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HugeDouche t1_it84o7z wrote

Were you a gifted student out of curiosity? I've noticed an anecdotal trend, where after you've conquered the easy stuff, the idea of struggling through the hard stuff is like a wrecking ball to the self esteem


crashcondo t1_it8x8gd wrote


I'd say you hit it dead center.

It's like you easily climb this first little hill, and you're like 'Yes!' ok I've reached competency. Then you look and see the towering mountain you now must scale that was previously obscured by the initial hill you were strolling up.

Also your name doesn't seem to checkout haha


HugeDouche t1_ita6u3f wrote

Join us in r/ADHD lmao

There are dozens of us 🥲

Also I get a lot of comments disagreeing with your last line but I thank you kindly haha


crashcondo t1_itj43li wrote

Why am I sort of terrified to join? Like I had a semi-existential crises for a second while considering what random stuff might start popping up in my feed now. Stuff that hits so close to home I'll have to actually face myself.

Don't make me do it! haha

I also realize this reaction likely means I absolutely should be joining.


HugeDouche t1_itja00e wrote

Sorry and congratulations friend! Sorry that you getting slapped with the enormous bomb that this might just be part of who you are. But congrats in that you can now begin to support yourself in the way you always needed.

Other things to keep in mind: there are a lot of other diagnoses that can have symptoms similar to ADHD. Including autism and PTSD, especially CPTSD, among others. You may very well not have ADHD. Also although r/ADH his a wonderful sub, there's a lot of "DAE do this very common human activity?". So keep in mind all of this only matters as much as its affecting your life

Even if you do have it, you are in control of what you want to do with your diagnosis. You don't have to tell anyone, get on meds, change your whole personality, any of that. But you might be able to fill in some of the gaps on things you've always wondered about yourself.

You can do it! And you'll be happy that you did. But it's meant to be a resource, not a new cause of stress. So proceed in your own time, however you need to. We're a mostly nice bunch tho!


Aspiemom0227 t1_itlgfiz wrote

I found this very helpful, but what is DAE?


HugeDouche t1_itli7xy wrote

DAE means "does anybody else" :)

So sometimes on there you'll get posts like "does anyone else get anxious at parties or struggle to do dishes??"

And yes, tons of people with ADHD do struggle with those things! But so do most people. So it's just keeping in mind the difference between having a symptom vs a disorder


Aspiemom0227 t1_itlio22 wrote

Thank you for clarifying.. I think I’m a bit older than most of the people on here and I struggle with the acronyms.