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rippfx t1_ita13tq wrote

I understand there's big stink on companies putting too much emphasis on the certifications. Few things validating your skillset are years of experience, or college degree / certs. Even with that if you don't have shining personality, they drop you in a heartbeat. I know cuz I'm in aerospace giant interviewing candidates for developer's positions and also was on the other side of table many times in the past and will in the future. Sometimes there's nothing you can use as hiring board if the candidates have no degree, certs or experience. Last thing you want as a hiring manager is a bad candidate that costs company money, delays or major mistakes. You get points taken off for hiring bad people.


Sharpshooter188 t1_itaf8hv wrote

Ive been racking my brain over getting an enterprise switch (very expensive piece od equipment) to practice setting up a network on. More experience and a story to tell during interviews. But oof...boy those are expensive.

One thing that has always bothered me with attitudes, in general, is that a good attitude doesnt mean much as far as raises go. But a bad one is immediately notched as "We dont like you and thus will not hire you."