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SonicGhost t1_itlhumd wrote

What would it mean to say: Quality is not an act? Does it mean something like: a characteristic of something is not an act? Or does it mean: virtue is not an act? If the latter (and the latter is correct), then do you see why the word quality is used wrongly?

Of course, it is possible to read quality as an abstract noun. The point is this: the abstract noun "quality" doesn't mean what it means here. It usually means "characteristic" or "attribute", not "virtue", "excellence", etc.


furrysalesman69 t1_itn9h65 wrote

What it usually means and what it means here are two different chickens my guy. Once again, this phantasmal of a sentence is about as coherent as your mom when she tells you Halloween is satanic and hands out apples and raisins to trick or treaters.


SonicGhost t1_itnp351 wrote

> What it usually means and what it means here are two different chickens my guy.

Sorry, what? The meaning of language is in use. If you use a word in a way that nobody would use it wouldn't mean anything. Here, the use of the word quality is pushing it; it borders on being incorrect.