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Maia_Orual t1_ito4cpz wrote

I mean, if someone has to hurt you to reach their goal, then yes, they willingly did wrong. If my goal at work is to do as little as possibly without getting called out for it, then I am willingly hurting my company for my own benefit.

I think first you have to define “wrong” and whether its ever ok to hurt someone, in what context, to what degree, etc.

Personally, I think that if a person is hurting people in their life bc they are trying to reach goals, then the original person is selfish and doing wrong willingly. (Of course, there is wiggle room even in my statement.)

Another example is speeding. Lots of people willingly speed and some of those people get in car wrecks that injure others. So is speeding not wrong as long as no one gets hurt? Or is it always wrong? And while the driver may have been willingly speeding (to get to work on time! Or to pick up their kids! Plenty of “good” reasons.) they most likely did not willingly hit the other car. So was the speeding ok then bc the injury was an accident?