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Funnnn_at_parties t1_itmu4m1 wrote

"Eat the delicious food"

Um, okay Hannibal


poptartjake OP t1_itmubr7 wrote

Care to try the fava beans and a nice chianti?


SirRipOliver t1_ito1tp5 wrote

Ffffff ffff ffff!!!
In Silence Of The Lambs, the hissing noise Hannibal Lecter makes at Clarice Starling after delivering the famous, "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti" line was improvised on the spot by the great Anthony Hopkins.


enduring_student t1_itok5t4 wrote

And then the director shouted 'Cut! What the hell was that?!'

'I made it up, did you like it?'

'I loved it! Do it again!'


Raencloud94 t1_itqivhp wrote

Another fun fact, his wife divorced him after that role because she couldn't see anything other than Hannibal anymore. He was just that perfect in it.


Aoiboshi t1_itof2r6 wrote

every fights a food fight when you're a cannibals


thaddeus423 t1_itpnuie wrote

I laughed, but yeah. Don’t eat people.


EcoEchos t1_itq5l8m wrote

Add animals to the list while you're at it. They don't deserve to be needlessly abused and exploited just for human pleasure.

Not to mention animal agriculture causing several mass extinctions in wildlife currently, killing indigenous people to take their lands, creating several dead zones in our Oceans, driving 80% of the deforestation in the Amazon, etc etc.


Rockglen t1_itnarwi wrote

Any evidence he actually said this?

Looks like this has been attributed to a bunch of celebrities.


somethingwholesomer t1_itoxzfd wrote

There have been a lot of these lately!


NiNj4_C0W5L4Pr t1_itpszgo wrote

Strange...I saw this quote attached to Keanu Reeves photograph last week.

It's a good quote. Do we really need celebrities to sell it to us??


walterhartwellblack t1_itpz35f wrote

>Do we really need celebrities to sell it to us??

The idealism in us wants to say "of course not" but consider an experiment: Put this exact quote on any social media in three versions:

  1. No pictures, only text
  2. With celebrity picture
  3. With picture of random unrecognizable person

Which version will automatically drive engagement? And how wide is the gap: a tiny fluctuation, or an astronomical difference?

I wish streaming services weren't presented by graphical tiles and users like me would have to read text synopses to decide what to watch. I imagine that's a very unpopular opinion and nothing like what I want will ever happen.

I was taught it's wrong to judge a book by the cover, but our entire society has deliberately embraced that wrongness at every opportunity.


i_max2k2 t1_itr1ksd wrote

Well endorsement by a “successful” person automatically makes it more effective same as an ad.


kaaawah t1_itpa6qj wrote

Not cool a well thought out quote keeps getting used and credited to random celebs


finger_milk t1_itpcvvy wrote

I feel like I can hear this quote in his voice. He would definitely say something like this because like all old British actors, they are thespian and very wordy.


rayray1010 t1_itn3tf7 wrote

Also take care of your body, you only get one


_D3ft0ne_ t1_itodtvm wrote

He had to understand that one for sure, since he narrowly escaped alcoholism.


TobyDaMan8894 t1_itpjbu7 wrote

You never escape it. Alcoholics (I am one) fight alcoholism on an hour to hour, day to day basis. It’s a brutal battle.


mashibeans t1_ito5t6v wrote

Such an important one! Sometimes abstaining from the delicious food means investing in a much better life experience down the road. It's a bit crazy how emotionally disconnected some people believe they are from their bodies's state.


BonzoTheBoss t1_itp77rk wrote

I'd do anything to lose weight except eat healthy and exercise.


Alwaysunder_thegun t1_itmz2o6 wrote

Said like someone that plays pretend for a living


Aluckysj t1_itnt5s2 wrote

It's actually a line from Meet Joe Black, so he was in character when he said it.


gNomad88 t1_itnabzp wrote


I'm not taking advice from a man with $100Million who has lived better than the top 1% for his entire life.


EldritchAnimation t1_itnejrz wrote

Ok. Treat yourself badly. Stay inside. Lie to people. Be stodgy and cruel.


gNomad88 t1_itnhgvt wrote

Ok I will then thanks for the advice

Update: I am now Ebenezer Scrooge.


beertoth t1_itokzb0 wrote



Bloody_Ozran t1_itol5m5 wrote

That is fast jump to an assumption. As Ted Lasso said, be curious, not judgemental.

It is easy for rich people to say things like that as they can afford all of it. There was a guy who said people should take a year leave after few years of working to get new experiences. Right. Most can not do that but I imagine it can be refreshing.

It would also be nice if we could all go and see Earth from orbit as that gives people a new look on Earth and humanity. Care to pay for that? :D


ValyrianJedi t1_itojliu wrote

Eh, the entertainment industry can be pretty intense work. I used to have 90-100 hour weeks working in finance, and knew a couple and distinctly remember a couple people who worked in the TV and movie industries who had schedules/days that made me feel good about mine


Alwaysunder_thegun t1_itozfdk wrote

Yeah , that's me. Believe me when I say some actors have really never known real life. Those I've talked to that have met him say he's great though.


dillrepair t1_itn0b8g wrote

There really is never enough time… no matter how much freedom or money you might have… this is not to say that those with very little or almost nothing do not deserve more it’s more to say that the reason people get so greedy is they realize there is never enough time no matter what… so they take and take when the real way to get more freedom and time is to give more to everyone, because when we all have some freedom we all have time for joy too.


stiiknafuulia t1_itok1mj wrote

Did Anthony Hopkins really utter these dishwatery platitudes?


GDPintrud3r t1_itn1qpb wrote

Don't forget to make a couple of millions of dollars first


Dppyeahyouknowme_ t1_itmvgbm wrote

Live your life. You only have one shot at it.


gNomad88 t1_itnaf5a wrote

>Live your life.

How tho? In what way is someone supposed to live their life. Essentially we are already living it. Working, studying, sleeping. There's no way not to live our life


Dppyeahyouknowme_ t1_itnd5iv wrote

I get it, but you make time for what's important. 39min on Reddit could be a 30min run. Or texting friends. Or a hobby. Find your lane.


atalossofwords t1_itov5o4 wrote

But how would we get life-saving advice if all we do is run and not browse reddit?


adviceKiwi t1_itoys0v wrote

> 39min on Reddit could be a 30min run. Or texting friends. Or a hobby.

There's life outside Reddit?


gNomad88 t1_itnhlh4 wrote

Some people don't have that luxury. We have jobs.


kellymiche t1_ito4xy0 wrote

Dude you're kinda negative


gNomad88 t1_ito9k5l wrote

Maybe so, but that only affects me so I don't see the problem


Apprehensive-Theme38 t1_itpnjrj wrote

It’s not a problem to us, but you could have better for yourself. I know I’m in a similar spot and working on it


NotADabberTho t1_itorm3r wrote

They probably meant that in your free time you can substitute the use of reddit for something more worthwhile, you having a job literally has nothing to do with that.


thePurplePeppaPlant t1_itn9njr wrote

maybe “talk to your daughter you abandoned” might be better advice


againbenn t1_itnje9b wrote

I don’t think it is a matter of affording it. I think it is a matter of appreciating less. I speak from a position of less so a little needs to go a long way for a long time. It does not cost anything to be kind. I think it costs a lot to pretend to be kind.


OJSimpsons t1_itn6giw wrote

It'd be much easier if I could afford the delicious food, and walking in the sunshine, and jumping in the ocean, and telling my boss the truth in my heart. I do enjoy being silly, kind and weird though.


BigbunnyATK t1_itnh02a wrote

"Be silly. Be kind. Be weird" is in another color. That was messing with my eyes. I tried cleaning my glasses lol


LordPubes t1_itpe24r wrote

I will say the truth that I’m caring in my heart, Anthony, I suffer from severe gerd and can’t eat the delicious food. Fml


TobyDaMan8894 t1_itpj38z wrote

Damn. I really needed to read this, this morning. I need advice like this sometimes just feel up. Imma keep going.


vickydonor2019 t1_itqzzmw wrote

Eat that delicious food.. i hope he means the liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.


Aikarion t1_itn3ig4 wrote

Yeah, but I might be here longer than the others.


scijior t1_itnwi7m wrote

With caveats: if you tell the truth you’re carrying in your heart like a hidden treasure, sometimes there’s a reason you were doing that, and the people you tell may be less than appreciative that you did; sometimes when you’re weird all the time people don’t want o hang around you.


Immortalogic t1_itofx08 wrote

Indulging your five senses because after you die there’s nothing else is equally as nihilistic, ultimately.


MagicStar77 t1_itol406 wrote

He was vey good in the Bounty as Capt Bligh


xSypRo t1_itolz1q wrote

Memento Mori - Remember you have to die.


ExaBrain t1_itpce4c wrote

As I near a half century, this is one of the best quotes I know. There’s so many bullshit aphorisms out there but this one hits home.


Bi-elzebub t1_itpm4k2 wrote

Fuckin greyscaling this almost gave me a heart attack, i thought he had died


Undinianking t1_itq0uva wrote

'i want you to sing with rapture and dance like a dervish'


ThirdLast t1_itq48nz wrote

I can't wait to see his performance as Cus D'Amato in the Mike Tyson movie with Jamie Fox. Cus had some absolute kung-fu master hermit living in the mountains for thousands of years level wisdom and I can't wait for Anthony to play him.


A_l123 t1_itqh8wr wrote

Is this a Westworld quote ... or a real life one?


Steve_Austin_OSI t1_itqi2bg wrote

Rich guy tells people to enjoy life, news at 11.
Also, fuck him. Those of us who aren't rich have monetary responsibilities that have to come first.


jollytoes t1_itqi6xu wrote

That’s how you end up obese with skin cancer.


k-kaa t1_itqiz47 wrote

Love him.


barker2495 t1_itqkbwu wrote

Say the my entire family hates me more


Chuzurik t1_itqm57b wrote

inspiring words! from a cannibal serial killer


4Plus20MakesHappy t1_itqmpn2 wrote

Old Zorro is very wise. We should listen to his words. (‘The Mask of Zorro’)


GiantRetortoise t1_itqqy5i wrote

Anthony Hopkins never said this. I wish people would stop sharing it. Weak motivation anyhow


ph30nix01 t1_itquaib wrote

Just don't ever share your passwords with your therapist, it won't understand lol


xl_RENEG4DE_lx t1_itr0neu wrote

"I want you to get swept away. I want you to levitate. I want you to sing with rapture and dance like a dervish. Be deliriously happy. Or at least leave yourself open to be. I know it's a cornball thing but love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with? I say fall head over heels. Find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. And how do you find him? Forget your head and listen to your heart. I'm not hearing any heart. Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back. Because, the truth is there is no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love -- well, you haven't lived a life at all. You have to try. Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived. Stay open. Who knows? Lightning could strike!"

  • Movie: Meet Joe Black -- William Parrish played by: Sir Anthony Hopkins

ridercrew t1_itr61s7 wrote

Great words to live by


Dark-Myst t1_itrk8v2 wrote

Aw, so cute of this actor to say this. The difference is dying at 40 and dying at 80.


SaltySamoyed t1_its3oip wrote

OMG yaaasss queeenn, don't let them tell you that drinking ranch isn't VIBES!!!


UGAgradRN t1_itnhemd wrote

Why do I feel like he’s gonna die now that you posted this?


fadoxi t1_itnr6y8 wrote

"... In minecraft."


sashsingh t1_ito4md4 wrote

He forgot the part "die in pain"


RawScallop t1_itobh58 wrote

Cant do any of that when born into systemic poverty and abusive households.


Neither_Ad_3221 t1_itoh7z6 wrote

See, this is something that my boss figured out when his dad had a stroke, but then doesn't seem to understand that as employees, he's asking us to only have 10 days vacation time a year and not even really be able to afford it half the time. :/


TimeVendor t1_itoyswf wrote

On that note, I’ll start living in your house and you can move to mine, Anthony.


Please_Log_In t1_itpaabu wrote

It's easy to make noble statements about life when you have all the basics needs filled and freedom to choose how to spend your time and buy what you want.

For many of us life is filled with struggle and sadness. Survival doesn't leave much room for anything else.



LLotZaFun t1_itpqpdk wrote

During the first Covid year I ate all the delicious food I wanted and my cholesterol went crazy and the calcium levels in my blood became dangerously high. Don't eat like idiots folks 😭.


fukexcuses t1_itorni4 wrote

Smoke crack, rob a bank, start a purge ....

This is deep stuff, is someone writing this down?


happysheeple3 t1_itpakvu wrote

Eat the delicious food all you want. Just don't ask me to foot the bill for your cholesterol and blood pressure meds.


againbenn t1_itn5vex wrote

I have done all of those things. I still want to die.


poptartjake OP t1_itn67zt wrote

There's a lot of us, maybe we could all get together and have a punch party, or something?


againbenn t1_itn6njk wrote

Respectfully, I disagree. I don’t think it is finding an answer. It is finding the problem.


DrSeuss19 t1_itoujrt wrote

You here that, fuck who you want even if you’re married, you’re only hear once! Do whatever you like!
