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The-Lord-Moccasin t1_itoepag wrote

Sometimes you look up at the night sky and think the first thing; sometimes you look up at the night sky and think the second.

Sometimes you look up at the night sky, and you see nothing. Then you think, "Wow it's pretty cloudy tonight, I think it might rain." So you're motivated to grab an umbrella before walking down the street to grab that McDonalds you've been craving. And it turns out to be a pretty good call, cuz otherwise you might get wet.

Anyway, I have to go now.


Evilkenevil77 t1_itoex2s wrote

*Top Panel* I'm just a collection of atoms.

*Bottom Panel* You are a sentient miracle, you are atoms that understand they are atoms, and sometimes those atoms make a living by studying themselves.


AndersaurusR3X t1_itpdexo wrote

There is nothing wrong with being insignificant. Most of us are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. And that is ok.

sit back, crack open a cold one and enjoy the ride.


focus503 t1_itqqdex wrote

15 or 20 years ago I first thought about how vast the constellations were when I was flying along in a night flight and I was watching a little tiny car (say 1/4 inch long from my perspective) driving along a street in some random mid-country suburb and yet the constellations were the exact same size as they always are.


yemiz23 t1_itpud17 wrote

Not really a thermodynamic miracle. If fact, the sun’s energy output is so insane that some scientists believe that life as a byproduct should kinda be expected. Granted that a space rock is suitable for it. Intelligence though that is a miracle. We are only intelligent because evolution padding out intelligence stats after a certain threshold turned out sentience into sapience and we became insanely self aware.


Shuizid t1_itr4jt8 wrote

Still not really a miracle. Just another process to increase entropy.


yemiz23 t1_itrqrvt wrote

Fair enough intelligence burns a hella amount of calories (I.e) makes a lotta energy which increases entropy overall!


Shuizid t1_itw2epq wrote

Our intelligence itself isn't really impacting the overall entropy growth - because what we consume for it would be consumed by others anyway.

We do however burn fossil fuels - which were in a stable environment for millions of years.


yemiz23 t1_itwo3am wrote

Not our intelligence but intelligence as a whole. It consumes far more energy than not and if conditions are right the creature tend to dominate their environment. For example, Corvid are one of the most abundant birds, Orcas and blue whale rule the oceans and the less said about man the better. Essentially intelligence always consumes more energy thus more entropy. However, I am willing to be wrong and if it doesn’t lead to more entropy than other forms of life I am willing to accept this. I don’t think a study has been done on this so it’s just my hypothesis.


Shuizid t1_iu1ft8f wrote

Intelligence helps dominate - but my assumption is that evolution will fill any niche of available resources. While intelligent organisms consume more per individual, they also replace a lot of smaller organisms who could have done the same.

Thus entropy can only be increased faster, by increasing the available resources -> like digging up fossil fuels.

That said, given "entropy" is a pretty vague term and biology is just insanely complex, I aswell cannot definitivly say intelligence itself doesn't increase entropy. I wouldn't even know how to design a study, so I certainly cannot claim my assumption would be correct.


enduring_student t1_itojonp wrote

I am humbled, amazed, and excited that I am both of these things and so, so much more...


Ash_Divine t1_itoovia wrote

I look up at the night sky and see nothing (I live in a big city with lots of light pollution)


Jonaleaf t1_itqh1jb wrote

Just the simple fact that we haven’t seen life in any other planet than our own so far just goes to show you how perfect the conditions had to be for us to even exist


Shuizid t1_itr5jo0 wrote

I mean, we haven't really seen any other planet to begin with - apart from the solar system. We got a few glimpses of planets and some idea on how they might look and behave. But that's like looking at a single grain of sand and making predictions about every coast in the world times a trillion - and that's propably a massive understatement for our galaxy alone.


drossvirex t1_itqie9t wrote

Waking universe? We can only see like less than 1 percent of light or the universe. We are asleep and insignificant in the universe, but perhaps we are unique.


jordanleep t1_itqsybs wrote

Hi I’m high and I approve this message


JoyJones15 t1_itsyyj8 wrote

I always think in the grand scheme of things, nothing matters. But everything in my world matters to me. My sister doesn’t matter to the universe. But they matter to me.


cronsta t1_itps7c9 wrote

It looks like a bunch of fucking stars