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Rond3rd t1_ito21f1 wrote

I feel alone...


gcwardii t1_ito3y7n wrote

I’m sorry. Cyber hugs, internet friend.


shanerob87 t1_itph3kv wrote

Think theres more people that feel this way then we know.


DrTacoLord t1_itoi16z wrote

Virtual hugs for you stranger. We're not alone, let's be lonely together.


ilikebigbutts t1_itobckc wrote

I’m having a really tough time.. work is stress, young kids are stress, so I’m dealing with stress all my waking moments, and I’m a guy so nobody to talk to about this


enduring_student t1_itohgg1 wrote

Well, you're talking about it now. And if you want to talk about it then you just made some progress on that. Sincerely trying = Good job bro!


gstandard00 t1_itpqzi0 wrote

Same here stress from all angles here. Stress from work, stress from wife & kids after hours, father passed away, my mother having insurance claim dramas, taking time off work to look after sick kids then kids passing stomach flu to me, then need to catch up with work.


ilikebigbutts t1_itq8vu5 wrote

I’m sorry about your father. Yeah my family has similar revolving health issues that we can’t seem to shake. You are not alone.


gstandard00 t1_iu1qz9w wrote

yep in the same boat trying to plug those random holes :P


TheWaters12 t1_itp3kpm wrote

Sorry but this post seems like a load of fake positive bullshit


jpeck89 t1_itpivmu wrote

This too, shall pass


nuttylou t1_itoqrit wrote

I am 25. This is the most alone I have ever been. I will get through it but This shit sucks man


sck178 t1_itppbws wrote

Internet stranger embrace with sincere compassion to you friend.


ValyrianJedi t1_itpvdrq wrote

What if you're in a catch 22 where you're both killing it and having a rough time, and removing one removes the other too?


DankSinatra2128 t1_itq5qx3 wrote

I really needed this today. Going through a lot been really sick and just feel alone, just trying to be the best father I can be and life has a way of kicking you when you’re down but I’m going to make it, no matter what.


conversingwithoceans OP t1_itrmriz wrote

Thank you for sharing this. Sending love and hoping it gets easier for you soon. That’s a noble cause. Your kid or kiddos are blessed to have a father that cares as you do.


Sw41ny89 t1_itotg32 wrote

I am most definitely having a tough time right now. One of my lowest points in my adult life. But everything is temporary


Androzza t1_itp3r1f wrote

Thanks heaps for this post OP

It seems I'm in a loop where I am alright then the crushing anxiety comes back and then I get better then it's back again.

What a life :(


PasswordisP4ssword t1_itqd53y wrote

Like wheat in a mill, you will be ground down into powder until you get through. Don't complain, it's happening to everyone else.


RealEight t1_itr5h4c wrote

I hate these half assed, “motivational” people. These stupid quotes piss me off. Some people are alone. Some people can’t, and won’t get thru it. Those are the hard facts of the world we live in. Saying this shit isnt going to solve their problems, it’s lazy and pathetic. And it’s just you publicly saying “look how great I am by pretending to care”. Cuz. I’m a white male, who lives in the west and is so fucking over privileged, I want to remind you that I will always get thru my wittle insignificant prawbwems, and be killing it. And maybe sometimes as I drive my high end tesla to a $500 per plate dinner, I may feel a little guilty about it and drop a dumbass quote like this on Twitter, so I can feel better about myself. But that’s as far as it goes. If you got issues, don’t bother me, let your problems be someone else’s problem. I’m just pretending doing to care.


conversingwithoceans OP t1_itrln8z wrote

Hi. Thanks for your immensely thoughtful & imaginative disapproval packed with a world of assumption. You’re entirely entitled to it.

Some of my closest friends and family members are going through some heavy stuff so I felt compelled to share. Maybe it helps someone else who reads it too. Maybe it doesn’t. I just put it out there.

Anyways, there’s a world of pain and heartbreak, and loss that this clearly does not apply to. I think there are better resources for that than r/GetMotivated.

You sound like you’re no stranger to pain so I’m sorry you’re hurting enough to express this much hate on a post you could have easily scrolled past. If you’d like to have a conversation and find out a little bit about each other I’m always happy to do that. I wish you the best.


KillerNinja86678 t1_itotvni wrote

Im happy as fuck. Writing up a 2 weeks notice. It goes bye assholes. This is my 2 weeks notice. -name


0ver_engineered t1_itpahpt wrote

A reminder that most of the problems in your life you are capable of fixing. And if your feeling lonely and depressed it's because you yourself are leaving yourself alone to rot. You have the power to change every aspect of your life. Nobody can help you until you are ready to help yourself first.


seemypinky t1_itppvln wrote

This is the most meaningless drivel I’ve ever heard. What the fuck does this guy know?


oj_mudbone t1_itqf81r wrote

You might not get through it unless you do something though. This kind of advice seems to suggest you should sit back and wait for something to magically happen.


HugheyM t1_itqliur wrote

If you’re having a tough time right now, just be thankful you’re not Kanye west.


mk546194 t1_itravwq wrote

Drink beer till the feelings go away! Works for me all the time.


KunSagita t1_its8mpu wrote

Nah I don’t think it will get better. I’m always suprised by how far lower I could go in my life. Just recently got rejected for an appeal to continue my studies in undergraduate. While my friends are already close to graduating next year at 23, my life just keep getting worse


fuckknucklesandwich t1_itsipkq wrote

How do you know they're not alone? A random pseudo-motivational post on an anonymous website is supposed to make people "not alone"?


MuminMetal t1_iu4jrh0 wrote

Thanks, I guess, random twitter avatar who might actually be a bot.


beltre30 t1_iu5wqyi wrote

Totally helped!.........not


enduring_student t1_itohsc1 wrote

Right now I'm finding my feet on some things. It's good to have even vague little reminders that there are people who care out there when I'm ready for the company. Thanks for that reminder!


[deleted] t1_itouup8 wrote

I don’t think you understand what I’m going through


k4b0odls t1_itp2wu7 wrote

When does the tough time end? I feel like it's been a tough eternity.


GplusRadd t1_itpvrif wrote

“Others feel like me” has never once worked. When you feel like I do, you ultimately end it with “fuck everybody”


novamber t1_itp1osf wrote

The post that made me leave this subreddit
