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Smart_Doctor t1_itqjkc9 wrote

I mean... my son is 4 years old and he has cost me a lot of mental health. Should I get rid of him?


earthling_dad t1_itqm4fv wrote

I'm guessing OP hasn't had the experience of being a parent. If OP is a parent and their children have never once tested their sanity, then good for them.


westcoastmaritimer t1_itqrjv3 wrote

😂 thought the same thing. Lots of effects mental health and grey hairs but most days it’s worth it.


VICARD0 t1_itrp7z1 wrote

Yes, dispose of the little shit and enjoy a nice pumpkin spice latte on your brand new hammock. GETMOTIVATED


xQx1 t1_itsv03v wrote

Nobody said anything about getting rid of such problems, they just said they're too expensive.

Children are too expensive.

If you didn't know that 5 years ago, I'm sorry.

As parents, let's shout this from the rooftops:

#virgins of Reddit: Having children is the practically worst thing you can do for your financial future. It is hands-down the worst financial decision most people make in their life. They are also incredibly emotionally draining (sometimes).

They are frightfully expensive in terms of time, money and emotion. Many parents need serious psychological help as a direct result of trying to balance their kids needs with their own.

That said, almost all parents say it's worth it.


Krakatoast t1_ittfmv8 wrote

Idk man, my primal urges say otherwise, anyone wanna loan me a quarter million so I can fulfill my instinctive drive?

Well also I don’t want one kid to be lonely… I’m here today to once again ask for your support, a half million over 18 years should do the trick

Ofc /s

I really think a lot of people get caught up in the moment and don’t think about that. Ofc life has too many variables to predict and children can be great for some people, but the idea of having an extra half million at retirement age by literally just not having children is… kind of wild. Ofc a lot of ppl become more driven and responsible with children, but the idea kind of boggles my mind.

Not to mention the thousands of hours spent. I mean if someone spends 2 hours a day (total) on two children from 0-18, thats 45 full 16hr days a year, or 2.25 years of full 16 hour days… and about a half million dollars from 0-18

I understand why people have kids, but wow…


Woodbean t1_its92rz wrote

Are you 100% sure you’ll never need the spare parts?