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BoyBoyeBoi t1_itzn8ys wrote

Yeah no, bullshit advice. Sounds pretty and all but this is not how things will end up for most people. I tried to choose my life all the time. It rarely (read: never) worked. Why? Because choices arent a one way street.

I wanted to work in a particular field, so I studied for it. Well I dont have the stomach for the over-inflated ego and stress that comes with the field, so I had to settle for something else.

I dont want to be single, but I cant force anyone to stay with me because thats not fair to them, not to mention illegal.

So no, fuck this advice. You will settle for a lot of things.


glasswallet t1_itztpv7 wrote

So you chose one thing, collected more information about it and realized it doesn't align with your values, then chose something else instead despite what other people might think?

Homie that is the exact opposite of settling.


joleme t1_iu10cuo wrote

> Homie that is the exact opposite of settling.

No it's not. You're changing the definition on people.

They wanted that job, but realized the baggage that came with it. If they want the job but can't have it because of X bullshit, that's called settling for something else.

They way you're interpreting it then there is no such thing as settling because settling itself is a choice.

Choosing an inferior outcome for any reason is settling.


glasswallet t1_iu10zok wrote

This is r/getmotivated. Sometimes it's not so bad to not take things completely literally.

To me, this post is more about staying true to yourself and your values. If you take it literally "Shit happens" instantly destroys the message. You've failed even if it was because of circumstance out of your control. Obviously we all know in real life that one bad hand doesn't instantly take you out of the game and completely inhibit you from designing your own life and making choices to get where you want to be.

In the spirit of the billboard, I'd say throwing in the towel on a toxic industry is more chosing your own life than if they stayed in the job they hated simply because it was prestigious or to make their parents happy or something...

In other words, if you look at the world with a tiny shred of optimism instead of negativity and a dictionary things tend to look a little different.


Steve_Austin_OSI t1_iu39pkk wrote

"this post is more about staying true to yourself and your values."

SOmething else that can be taken away through random events.,

shred of optimism? fuck that. Literally nothing to be optimistic about any more.

A lot of people have the dreams, goals, and agency to some degree randomly ripped from them, destroying all change of ever being happy. Through exactly no fault of their own.

I wish I was dumb enough to think there is anything left to be optimistic about. I could use a nice warm blanket of ignorance right now.


But I did data analytics around pollution and climate change.
Our civilization is dead, possible our specie, we just are going through the initial death throes.

It's really fucking bad.
