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johnlewisdesign t1_iu000si wrote

There was one of these hanging over a bridge in UK (it's a thing people do for someone's birthday).

It said 'Nobody's Birthday, just drying my sheets'


AxelNotRose t1_iu17p6p wrote

Not sure how this is motivational. I mean sure, for things that have no consequences but many people have issues that do have dire consequences. I was just reading an article about a woman and her daughter (who happens to have health issues) about to become homeless because she bought a place that had tenants and months later, they're choosing to not leave nor pay rent. Poor woman is about to be homeless because she's already spent her life savings paying the mortgage on a property she can't even move into while paying rent to where she is living and she's run out of money and she's about to be evicted.

She's been trying to find a solution for months. So if she doesn't figure it out, it's not ok.


madlibb t1_iu19yc1 wrote

This is aimed at teenagers.


AxelNotRose t1_iu1lsqg wrote

Ok, that does make a lot more sense. Thanks for clarifying.


Mr_Ted_Stickle t1_iu1w0pn wrote

I always get a “fuck it, nothing really matters anyway” vibe from these type of “motivational” posters. There are certainly many things that, if not figured out, will definitely not be ok.


tnetennba9 t1_iu3l2o2 wrote

You found a pretty extreme example for which this isn’t motivational. That doesn’t mean the message in general is unhelpful.

Lots of people overthink and worry about small, inconsequential things. This post is helpful for them.


ErinBLAMovich t1_iu0fz3s wrote

Lol, if it's a bed sheet hanging off an overpass, you know it had nazi shit written on it.


endoire t1_iu0uztl wrote

Am I the only one who thought this was a Chick-fil-A ad before reading it?


StupidFLSquid t1_iu121gy wrote

I put in my two weeks at the job I hate today without a new job lined up. I definitely needed to hear this today.


Mr_Ted_Stickle t1_iu1whsi wrote

It will be ok, but you definitely gotta get on that job hunt asap bro, otherwise it won’t be ok for long. You got this.


PitifulHamster6135 t1_iu0g1cw wrote

The has affected me the most of all the pictures or text I have seen on here


canuckaudio t1_iu2lkrm wrote

how is it ok if i can't figure it out?


chee_burger t1_iu3na8i wrote

It's ok to be a dead beat these days


Inv4derZim t1_iu3q1il wrote

Pretty sure you've just written Sia's next song.


romeroleo t1_iu42kkt wrote

But, you need to be a little crazy to achieve something.


MuminMetal t1_iu4fpo5 wrote

Now I'm overthinking whether this is motivational or condescending.


Celcius_87 t1_iu06vib wrote

Thanks, snapped me out of overthinking something


po3smith t1_iu1gn8o wrote

Except it isn’t if I can’t afford rent or food….


mariospants t1_iu2vbwa wrote

I thought this sas cool... But then it reminded me of those signs the cartels put on overpasses calling out their enemies, next to the headless, naked bodies of innocent victims.


mjkjg2 t1_iu3j518 wrote

I got to the word “figure” before crashing my car