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ValyrianJedi t1_iudlru5 wrote

Big time. From age like 11 or 12 onward I wanted to work on wallstreet. Grew up broke and always thought that was how you made a lot of money, and it always looked great in movies and TV... Busted my ass in high school, busted my ass double majoring while working almost full time in college, busted my ass interning, etc... Then get there and find myself working 100+ hour weeks in a job with perpetual stress, where people are cut for quota each quarter and even of those who make quota the bottom 10% are cut at the end of each year... Did it for 2 years before admitting to myself that what I'd wanted and spent time working toward for over a decade wasn't actually what I wanted...

Conveniently though, most of the work I did towards that also ended up working towards what I do now, which I really like doing... So if you do a lot of work towards a goal then end up realizing it isn't for you, that work definitely isn't necessarily all for nothing.


THE_FUZBALL t1_iue3e0c wrote

You pivoted into software didn’t you


ValyrianJedi t1_iue5qv9 wrote

See you're familiar with the industry! Ha... Yeah I'm in software sales now. Still do some work in finance too as a side gig, consulting helping startups find VC funding, and wouldn't mind eventually taking that to full time. But yeah, jumped careers to software sales. Corporate financial analytics software specifically.


THE_FUZBALL t1_iuepgmx wrote

I’m a dev myself and have a somewhat similar story as you. I had an epiphany part way through college and was able to pivot to CS. Glad you found the path that suits you! People should never be afraid to start something new.


mushy_friend t1_iuf05i1 wrote

Man software devs are so cool! Most of the ones I meet have awesome life stories, or at least are pretty good at their jobs and make cool stuff on the side. Whereas I just stumbled my way through it. I'm not too bad of a dev but not great either


THE_FUZBALL t1_iufcykj wrote

Ah many devs feel the same way I wouldn’t sweat it