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drgeta84 t1_iugwimy wrote

I’m not going to take advice from someone who can’t work out upper and lowercase letters.


siler7 t1_iuhkus8 wrote

The bullshit "one size fits all" message is much more of a problem.


fatamSC2 t1_iuj5c9b wrote

Yeah it's such nonsense. Like no, not everyone is going to make it. Just do your best and see what happens. None of this "you WILL make it" nonsense, you don't know any of these people lol


nestcto t1_iuibztg wrote

Ahhhh, that's what it is.

I kept looking at this thinking how serial-killerish it was. Thought it would was mostly just the uneven lines, but the case mixture really drives that home.


jdrage8201 t1_iuhuoz7 wrote

What psycho wrote this? Looks like some ransom note.


TaskaEina t1_iugv7c2 wrote

Was doing hw at 2 am just now... ig this is a sign that my break is over


aioncan t1_iuid0z0 wrote

I have a 300 word essay due tomorrow. I hope I make it on time


clathekid t1_iuh04g9 wrote

I genuinely think this page is a piss take I get a great kick out of it.


thought_about_it t1_iuh8j68 wrote

It’s a nice sentiment but let’s be real, many people don’t make it. On top of that many people make it without it being hard. Just suffer till something happens is what I read and that sounds like a dystopian billboard.


ValyrianJedi t1_iuhjjlh wrote

Sure, but it's significantly more beneficial to tellbyourself that you are than it is to tell yourself that you aren't if you want to have a chance.


AlwaysLosingAtLife t1_iuhxoo6 wrote

This shit is lacking the confidence our system had more than 15 years ago, back when people could just stick it out and everything would work out fine...


elpasso1900 t1_iugtdu8 wrote

Me in toilet with a constipation: I hope so...


ppardee t1_iugwxoc wrote

Did you hear about the constipated mathematician?

He worked it out with a pencil.


Deadpool_16walls t1_iuhuduh wrote

This was scrawled on the inside of a passenger aircraft just before it crashed.


pr1m3r3dd1tor t1_iuhnflj wrote

I needed this this morning. Thank you.


johnny_appletits t1_iuiex73 wrote

I'm in a coding bootcamp with three weeks left. I'm dreading all the impending interviews and rejection, and just wishing I could wake up when I have my new career and new life. I needed this, thank you.


KillerKeeblerElf t1_iuj83av wrote

I always tell myself "If it was easy, everyone would do it." Or "If everyone could do it, would I even be proud of myself after?"


New-Teaching2964 t1_iujbls8 wrote

Hell yeah. Either way it’s gonna be hard, might as well make it.


enoughewoks t1_iuk7yvg wrote

I needed this today thank you


metrobabyyy t1_iugx0jg wrote

I appreciate this. It’s exactly what I needed to hear


Chispy t1_iuhcute wrote

We're all gonna make it brah


Villageidiot47 t1_iuhqgfo wrote

Talk to your inner child, dear inner child lonely and scared, we've grown over the years. Are hands and feet are strong, and now we will push along. Not just going through the motions, of the day to day. Grow and focus, but not what's passing by. But claim your chunk. It won't come easy no, but the best things in life never do.

Who ever you are whatever you've taken away from this, you are worth it. Love yourself, don't be afraid of alone. Cause with it you will grow that home.

Love you all, take care and do what best for you!


onetimenative t1_iuhuna2 wrote

Everything works out in the end

If it isn't working out

It just means that it isn't the end yet


Hitorobitoro t1_iui6m3k wrote

Hyper optimism is a crutch. You don’t say stuff like this to people that are truly suffering.


Green_Guitar t1_iuigdsg wrote

I don't feel it right now. I keep getting distracted.


DogeSupreme t1_iuiy29n wrote

Still miss my Ex, but thank you!


GaezAnimz t1_iuj3zla wrote

We're all gonna make It brahs


cjboffoli t1_iujacf8 wrote

Tell that to my 98 year-old grandmother who has outlived her parents, siblings, daughter and even a grandson only to have each year get more miserable as her body very slowly fails her.


SonofFinn t1_iujuvki wrote

Always believe honesty.


Chardradio t1_iugwv03 wrote

Looks like Saosin lyrics


datweirdguy1 t1_iuh0vtm wrote

I'm sitting here thinking I can't be fucked getting up and making dinner for myself. Even though I know full well ill be getting up and making myself dinner


quay_gaming t1_iuh8vyo wrote

I don't know man jee mains are 2 months away


EuroPolice t1_iuhe7lb wrote

Of course I will, but the mood stays the same. That's the catch. You can never be satiated, never satisfied.


jonijones t1_iuhkfla wrote

Is this about the climate crisis? Cause it will be really hard to make it. It's almost November and it's still warm outside.


corn_cob_monocle t1_iuhtq8b wrote

Wait, why is it going to be hard? What’s coming? Shit.


tc2007 t1_iui8sk8 wrote

It will be hard.

I am counting on it. 🤣🤣🤣


Armydillo101 t1_iuiqvnl wrote

Why don't YOU make the clay scuplture!?!?!?!?!?!?


Ever think about that, CHRIS?!


Jinarma t1_iuizg25 wrote

Sitting on the toilet, trying to push out this monster turd… “Yeah man, something like that”


SlamMeatFist t1_iuj2e70 wrote

I say this to my dick every day


Raagggeeee t1_iujbk38 wrote

It will be hard. It will be grueling. but we will all make it.

If we are persistent enough we shall all have fancy graves


ComicRelief64 t1_iujknj2 wrote

Thank you. I needed that. I've been working on this death ray all week and was just about to give up. But no sir, I'm gonna finish it and show all those discount furniture salespeople who's boss! Ty again!


Streak3 t1_iuhxlcq wrote

Me :when I'm trying not to cum , to masturbate longer.


poobearcatbomber t1_iuibx6x wrote

Or you won't. It doesn't matter. Everything is meaningless — make the best of what's in front of you.


IcyClearly t1_iujt771 wrote

Actually it wasn't that hard at all for me


Suitable_Ad_7721 t1_iuh8n87 wrote

Why did you have to include hard? 😭😭😭 I was hoping for easy. 😭😭
