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Nas1Lemak t1_iupr6z2 wrote

I think it's the realization that your actions affect the world, and others' perception of it, in a significant way. Of course there is some major differentiation about how much each of us affect the world, but to some degree we all do. It's the realization that we do not exist as observers of the world, but as observers and actors. An analogy might be the old phrase of "you are not in traffic, you are traffic". Similarly our actions build the world around us and we can choose to see how they (our actions) either make the world a better place to live or they make it worse.

I think it's not saying that "blames self for all of world's problems" but rather "blames self for not choosing the better path to make the world better". Even the best among us sometimes don't choose the action that makes the world better overall, but realizing that and trying to be better is the sign of maturity.

Hope this makes sense