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Nykine t1_ivy4rqm wrote

The full quote is even better.

What is success?

To laugh often and much;

to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

to appreciate the beauty;

to find the best in others;

to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch Or a redeemed social condition;

to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.


ttystikk t1_ivyptj4 wrote

This is the true measure of success.

One by which many a billionaire is found sorely wanting.


a-wild-yasuo t1_ivywi9x wrote

Billionaire here. I don't really care about any of this, I'm too busy bathing in my bathtub full of $100 dollar bills with a showerhead spewing golden coins on me. Life is good.

But, you guys do you.


screenlicker t1_ivyrdb4 wrote

Damn, this is good. Thanks for posting. What is it from?


SirDonAffair t1_ivzho1c wrote

It's a fake made up quote attributed to Emerson. It's some hallmark shit.


screenlicker t1_ivznzoq wrote

I did some research. I believe this is the original:

By Bessie Anderson Stanley.


Nykine t1_iw14qku wrote

never knew about this. Thanks for sharing!


KidFresh71 t1_iw0cro1 wrote

Lovely quote. Needed this today. Feeling like a bit of a failure in my career; but there’s so many other aspects to life and “success.”


enduring_student t1_iw0surs wrote

I know exactly what this is like. I've been though a lot in my life, and some of it was really ugly. One night I was hanging out with a friend who told me that his life was better for having me in it. All in a rush, everything I'd been through was worth it, Worth It. My life has been much better since that moment.


flerchin t1_ivzpjrw wrote

One is low. Very low.


ThunderGunFour t1_ivzxmd9 wrote

I’m still against student loan forgiveness


LaughingBoulder t1_iw03zdb wrote

I like it, but what if that person was someone like Elon Musk? I guess there are always exceptions


JesterRaiin t1_iw6owf0 wrote

The person breathing harder because of you cancels the one breathing easier.


TheseUnderstanding21 t1_iw1gwn8 wrote

I feel like if anything, I’ve only made things more difficult for others;


bullskull t1_iwjchwx wrote

Maybe you have maybe you haven’t. But it’s not to change that and maybe help someone breathe easier. That being said, respiratory therapists must be like super successful.


a_live_man t1_ivy4ak9 wrote

Great motivation to go vegan!


Zerobagger t1_iw1dvfq wrote

Tell that to all the small animals killed and destruction of habitat caused by modern farming practices
