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majwilsonlion t1_iw8xz84 wrote

To the right of Success is another Fail. Go for it!


Azair_Blaidd t1_iw99gtb wrote

Just don't try doing the exact same thing every time or that will likely be x101 fails


[deleted] t1_iw9c0i6 wrote

I've tried to quit smoking a dozen + times over 30 years till it finally took and I am 100% positive those failures help lead to success. It's interesting how much we forget the point of this and beat ourselves up for not succeeding the first time at some things. Needed this today, thanks OP.


ppardee t1_iw9on91 wrote

So, the take away is if you try 100 times, you'll fail. But if you just try once, you'll succeed?

I'll take the try once option, please!


A_Gnome_In_Disguise t1_iwcj8pz wrote

Ah, this is me right now. So close to getting a job I need and I want. 2 years of delaying, of improving, of trying. Denial after denial after scam after scam. I get so close but I realize that with every try and every chance I learn something new. I have full confidence that the right job will come to me when I’m ready.


exostose t1_iw948r6 wrote

Thanks, just what I needed !


Tiny-Professor-4543 t1_iw96df3 wrote

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Einstein


Terrestrial_Conquest t1_iw97ojm wrote

But you aren't doing the same thing over and over. You are doing it differently each time with the lessons learned from the last time. Eventually you learn and grow enough that you will find success in what you are trying to do.


Jfuentes6 t1_iw9abu6 wrote

Instructions unclear. At 300


HowlUcha t1_iwamk4h wrote

This is exactly like gambling!


buwefy t1_iwb1654 wrote

Ok, so let's say my goañ is to buid a successful startup. A single attempt would take at least 2 years... So I might get it right after 200 years.... So your advice is I just give un on my dreams?


Bunnyrabbit11111 t1_iwbpxil wrote

This image gives me nightmare flashbacks from my automata learning days lol


Libra8 t1_iw91nl4 wrote

Shouldn't the T, F, be 99%?