Submitted by HyzerFlip t3_yup0qc in GetMotivated

October 2018 I had gotten things to a stable place after wife abandoned daughter and I 2 years prior. I was celebrated at work for my exceptional performance. My whole team was applauded and awarded for back to back months!

The next day as my parents, daughter and I are about to go to lunch for my birthday (like walking from car to restaurant). Boss and his boss call me to say they're closing our store. We're all laid off end of month.

Before the end of that month I blew out my achilles.

I was laid off and laid up for months. Eventually I could function and I found another job doing the same work, for a different company.

Then covid hit.

Then they changed our pay structure to ensure we'd make no money while traffic was down.

End of September an angry former customer came in screaming. I had several little old ladies in the store. I'm all alone (not supposed to be, coworker is late). I tell the guy to leave, he gets worse.

I touched his shirt while escorting him out. He calls the police. The police essentially say they should arrest be for battery but the guy is being such a jerk even to them... And apparently every witness waited around to vouch for me (bless them).

I was found to not be at fault, but it was 'a bad look for the company' and I was fired.

Shortly after I reinjured my achilles.

Then things got worse. Plans to move didn't work out as we were extremely lied to by the parties at the place we intended to move.

We stayed with a friend to help after her husband abandoned her and their 4 small children... Rented my house to a friend while I was gone.

They didn't pay, ruined the house and fought me in the courts for 6 months.

I was very very low.

But I moved forward. Slowly.

This April I started doing my old job again. By August I was promoted.

Now I run my own store. I have a team of awesome employees.

I make more than I used to. The overall job is more satisfying, and there's room to grow.

My partner and I have been serious about better health and fitness for 34.99 months now. We've both made moderate strides and were feeling more well!

Both feeling better has brought life back to our bedroom!

When I was down it wasn't just what was happening, but that my daughter got a front row seat.

Now, she's gotten to watch me make it better as well. She's gotten to dear me not compromising my morals or standards just because life got real harder.

And she saw that I never gave up.

I am so proud of that.

I had been through bad things before, but never such a chain of loss. Now I know that whatever the world throws at us... We'll be OK.

You will too.



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Leather-Ordinary-764 t1_iwcbxxg wrote

Glad you’re back on an upward trajectory. Sounds like you’re giving it your all, and regardless of the outcome you can be very proud of that fact. Thanks for sharing!


PIMP1729 t1_iwebho0 wrote

Congratulations 💯🙏 We all deserve nice things at the end of the journey.


Scary_Refrigerator84 t1_iwi72tu wrote

Keep up the positive attitude! It can work miracles. (Linking something on my feed that says similar.) As regards your Achilles heel, I don’t know if it is similar but I do know that, once you have sprained an ankle, you are far more likely to sprain it again as it affects your “proprio reception” (all those tiny muscles and nerves and tendons that help you keep balance.) So once your feet are strong again so plenty of balance practice. Not for too long as it can bust other things. But for example just a few seconds balancing on one leg each day.