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caninefreak1 t1_iwwho1r wrote



x925 t1_iwx8589 wrote

I somewhat prefer the idea that we destroy ourselves instead of the rest of the universe.


geon2k2 t1_iwxwsm4 wrote

At universal scale we are not even ants.


rleslievideo t1_iwz9au3 wrote

We're actually even way more insignificant than that. If the scale of the sun was a grapefruit our entire planet would be the size of a the ball in a ballpoint pen. This is on display at a park in Washington, DC. We're not even ants in our own solar system.


sudobee t1_iwxjt83 wrote

Once we start our cosmic conquest all bets are off.


x925 t1_iwxjxhe wrote

I hope there's another intelligent lifeform out there, so far beyond us that we can't possibly ever catch up to their technology, that will stop us before we destroy any other planets.


Metaloneus t1_iwyqgje wrote

If any lifeform out there has battered us in terms of technology, I have some bad news for you as to how they would have built that technology.


laZardo t1_iwy9awz wrote

Fermi Paradox says bon jore-no like Brad Pitt in Inglorious Basterds