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Daktar89 t1_ixmqtpk wrote

Probably best to be boring and conventional when it comes to cancer treatments though


drift318 t1_ixo2qgp wrote

you mean organic home grown carrots wont help?


I_am_the_Walru5 t1_ixoetqh wrote

Hard to progress without experimental treatments 🤷🏻‍♂️


Icefyre24 t1_ixnddpd wrote

His definition of "crazy ones", "rebels", and "genius" seems to be synonymous with treating everyone like shit, flouting laws when they inconvenienced him, and creating a partnership where he pressured his fellow colleagues to do 90% of the work, only to screw them out of their percentage of profits, and bonuses, as well as be arrogant enough to think he can outsmart everything in the world, including cancer.

How Woz was able to put up with Job's bs for so long, is amazing to me.


Spires333 t1_ixnnw88 wrote

Has anyone ever been motivated by these?


03223 t1_ixo7gpu wrote

Well, not an Apple employee here, and seeing this (in this form at least) for the first time. OK, maybe 'motivating' isn't the word that applies. I mean reading it I see some of myself (more the troublemaker and misfit parts. :-) And I've already been motivated to live my life the way "I" think I should. But reading it is at least helpful to continue to give me strength to continue the fight for what I think is the right way. So, to me, at least a positive message.


The_Real_Pepe_Si1via t1_ixnk6ki wrote

If there is one thing I think when I see my grandma with an iphone: rebel


Deegedeege t1_ixp5njb wrote

I like the quote but not the guy who said it. Not a nice guy in real life, took the credit for genius work his STAFF did, not HIM. And they were grossly overworked to the point of slavery.

And why do people worship a guy who simply invented some stylish products?

What about the team of people who invented cochlear ear implants, that cured deafness?!!!! Those are the kind of people to worship and they invented it themselves and aren't people taking credit for others work and genius.


hershko t1_ixo82wk wrote

Here is to the ones who slurp this flattery up and buy our pricy products because they think it somehow makes them special, you mean. This is just a freaking Apple ad campaign, ffs.


[deleted] t1_ixleonu wrote



ydshreyas t1_ixlg6cz wrote

The only thing Elon is showing what you can get away with if you have enough clout online

And money… Lots & LOTS of money….


sedativumxnx t1_ixmgjrc wrote

You mispelled a hefty trust fund from mommy, as a start. Musk is just a rich spoiled brat who thinks he can get away with anything. But that ship is about to sail, far far away once Tesla crashes and burns, just as their self driving suicide-mobiles.


WhiskyAtNoon t1_ixoikjf wrote

I read this as a Ford F150 ad


illumin8ted72 t1_ixnh3qt wrote

I wrongly thought this was written by Jack Kerouac because of the internet..... fool me once...


productionguy t1_ixow585 wrote

He had a great speechwriter.
