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[deleted] t1_iybrcof wrote



vkeyunl0ckslife OP t1_iycd3m0 wrote

Thank you for taking time to validate and clarify, instead of simply listening to the voice inside the head like a well trained "puppet" πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’• #Trollsspotted 🎯


Bobsty4u t1_iybvcy4 wrote

The education shows, poor fool can't even write his own name


Shuizid t1_iycd9wu wrote

And I guess the title having "me schooling" also isn't a good sign about...


Original-Ad-4642 t1_iycvev8 wrote

Remember that Mark Twain literally traveled around the globe learning things from everyone he met. He was friends with the top scientists and inventors of his generation.

He’s not saying you should join a Facebook mom’s group and declare yourself an expert on vaccines and healing crystals.


AliBarberTheSecond t1_iyc9zlq wrote

Hard to take an inspirational quote seriously when they don't even spell the author's name correctly.


HockeyGilmore t1_iyc99xz wrote

Used to love this quote, but my God it has created and justified a lot of dumb people believing they're intelligent when in reality they're fuck ups who didn't graduate highschool , didn't go to college , etc. It's very much in the same vein of that fake Elon quote.


eejjkk t1_iydfdmq wrote

This motivates me to proofread before submitting.