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PeteyMcPetey t1_iyqgfbh wrote

Is the picture somehow relevant?

Not sure if dumb me just isn't getting it


hellopomelo t1_iyqhdvd wrote

you're overthinking it. She's scantily clad women, that should be enough!


cippopotomas t1_iyr3c5y wrote

I don't really understand how the last part is relevant either. What difference does it make if other people know themselves? Shouldn't we never allow ourselves to be defined by others in general?

I think I like the picture without the quote more than the quote without the picture.


rackoblack t1_iyr8v44 wrote

I disagree. The point that they can't understand you is valid. The fact that they're even LESS likely to be able to if they can't, and have never bothered, to understand themselves. If they put so little thought into life, they're not worth your time.


cippopotomas t1_iyraiiq wrote

So don't let people define you ever. But extra don't let them define you if they can't define themselves? Sure.

Others not being worth someone's time isn't relevant to this quote, it doesn't touch on that at all.

If you want me to think about that concept then I'm gonna need another half naked girl dancing.


Stealthfox94 t1_iyr6myh wrote

It’s not relevant to the quote. They’re just trying to get people’s attention.


IvIemnoch t1_iyrdh96 wrote

It's not truly inspirational without a little softcore porn


VivaRae t1_iyrl0j9 wrote

Nah just exploiting the female form to get more attention on their shitty meme. Also Osho is pure scum.


CSimpson1162 t1_iyruvdl wrote

Damn, I liked the quote. I should have known better than to look in the comments section for everybody trying to shit on it.


MegBundy t1_iyrwww5 wrote

People are shitting on Osho and the sexy picture, not the quote.


VivaRae t1_iyryxmc wrote

And who knows if it even is Osho’s quote. thanks though for explaining that to the person who thinks we’re shitting on it, although how they didn’t realize that amazes me 😂


picoCuries t1_iyqv09r wrote

Definitely not taking advice from Osho.


TheWalkingDead91 t1_iyr92am wrote

I was gonna say….isn’t he the guy who ordered the poisoning a whole town? Or am I thinking of someone else?


picoCuries t1_iyrcrgp wrote

You’re right. Wild Wild Country on Netflix was about him and his followers. Wild story.


teffflon t1_iyrnpfr wrote

That place (Rajneeshpuram) was also an abusive sex cult, so even the titillation is spoiled here.


leon_nerd t1_iyrafgj wrote

That's Jim Jones.


picoCuries t1_iyrcmjt wrote

No, Jim Jones forced followers to drink the Kool Aid. OSHA’s followers poisoned a town so that they wouldn’t show up and vote. His name was Bagwan Shree Rajneesh.


Adamsandlersshorts t1_iyqm4na wrote

I don't remember if this is a default sub reddit or not. I think no.

I think I subscribed to it years ago and I don't even know why i ever did. This is basically a dumping ground for 14 year Olds to post super deep sensational poetic quotes with such liberating images because they're so in touch with their chakras. Look at the woman in this image. She's such a free, unhindered spirit that she goes out and dances in the rain. Maybe we can all be as liberated as her if we just discover ourselves instead of loosing ourselves to others opinion 💕 I would've never known that I shouldn't let opinions bother me until I saw this image.

Unsubbed lol.


dedicated-pedestrian t1_iyrpwfr wrote

It's a default sub, at least as far back as I've been here. Sometimes there's gems in terms of posted content, but I typically trawl the comments for more insightful takes.


rg1283 t1_iyqifm0 wrote

This is what dwells in new


admello t1_iyr0pmp wrote

Get in, looser.


moonlightavenger t1_iyrekr9 wrote

The heck is this image? I mean, I agree with thr message, and I like staring at it... but... what?


Traumfahrer t1_iyqmzpe wrote

>"Discover yourself, otherwise you have to depend on others."

Would have been a much better quote, especially with that imagery there.


BlueBerryBanditx t1_iyquvhb wrote

What is this bollocks?! 😂 Only thing that woman is going to discover is how to catch a chest infection in time for Christmas, dancing in the rain like that, with barely anything on, on these cold nights... Also never loose yourself to other people's opinions, your head might fall off


stormrockox t1_iyr4vk8 wrote

This quote would be a lot better without the picture


RipCityBlaze503 t1_iythrob wrote

Gross misogyny in the picture.

And no chance that “Osho” didn’t know about poisoning all of those people in Oregon ahead of time. Not plausible that Ma Anand Sheela left and on her way out just happened to say “by the way I poisoned all those people” and that was the first Osho had heard of it.

He knew. So get motivated to drop the misogyny and the weird Osho quotes.


itsyourlife247 t1_iytqai1 wrote

This really hit my heart thank you for this post!


BeeDub57 t1_iyqyffc wrote

She's a maniac, maaaaaniac on the floor...


Banditzombie97 t1_iyrpq7c wrote

Me dancing in the rain: “Who tf am I!?”.


gurutar t1_iys6g62 wrote

uhm, Osho is a cult leader and a very terrible man.


grumpyjerk1 t1_iyt4eqk wrote

Lmfao. How.....ridiculous.


SyntaxChris t1_iytzuym wrote

Says the Reddit poster looking for other people’s opinions.


Rolltide1305 t1_iyrvr1e wrote

discover yourself or your assistant will poison a town


HinduHamma t1_iyry7td wrote

Low effort trash post. People only upvoted this because girl.


RDP89 t1_iytiq5b wrote

Osho was a fucking con artist!!