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mf723622 t1_iyxg4dw wrote

Reply to comment by addrien in Wake up, people by h4clovecory

100%. There should be a footnote that says “continue sleeping if you haven’t gotten 7-9 hours of sleep”. Getting proper sleep, every night, is arguably the most important thing you can do to improve the quality of your life.


amberoze t1_iyxu82f wrote

>continue sleeping if you haven’t gotten 7-9 hours of sleep

Ha. Haha. Tell that to my insomnia. If I stayed asleep that long, I'd be late to everything. It's not usually till about one or two in the morning before I can sleep, and I'm up by six-thirty.


mf723622 t1_iyxv9hf wrote

What time do you go to bed, or start winding down for the night? If you have insomnia you should talk to your doctor because only getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night will likely lead to poor health and an early death. Just saying you should try to figure out how to fix your insomnia.


amberoze t1_iyxyrew wrote

I'm usually in bed around ten pm. Being in the military for twelve years has really messed up my sleep. Seeing a counselor about some of the things that are affecting me. Trying to avoid medication as much as possible for now. Thank you for your concern though.


mf723622 t1_iyy00ly wrote

Best of luck with getting it all figured out!


Harlequin-sama t1_iyxu68g wrote

Ya maybe for ppl without a job.

I want to see how you say that to your boss.


the_other_irrevenant t1_iyz1jz9 wrote

What hours does your boss have you working that you can't go to bed in time to get 7-9 hours sleep?


Harlequin-sama t1_iyz7c3p wrote

He wrote:

“continue sleeping if you haven’t gotten 7-9 hours of sleep”

the_other_irrevenant t1_iyzifco wrote

Sure. Those aren't mutually exclusive.

For example, in many (most?) cases, people go to bed at a time that allows some slack in the morning. mf723622 would presumably suggest using some of that time to make up your 7+ hours if necessary.


mf723622 t1_iyxugaz wrote

I’m fortunate to have a job and a boss that provides this kind of flexibility, but I also have good sleep habits. I got to bed early enough where I can get 8 hours of sleep without having to feel like I need to jump out of bed the minute my alarm goes off because otherwise I’ll be late for work.


MedievaLime t1_iyyv29o wrote

I really really struggle to stay asleep after I get about 5 or 6 hours


tacodog7 t1_iyzo6r8 wrote

I have kids now and am constantly sleep deprived. Any time i complain to boomer relatives, they try and one up me with "oh yeah, well i slept even less!!" and millenial friends will always say "whose fault is that". Never help or empathy, just antagonism from all sides. I want to die. I cant live like this. No one cares.


No-Pattern8701 t1_iyzsgdm wrote

Dude I care.

I don't have kids - but can relate on the sleep deprivation due to responsibilities - regardless of the reason.

That's really tough, and it compounds.

Sleep is a multiplier and when you don't have it - everything is just that much harder and out of wack.

I hope things get better for you and that you get the good rest, peace of mind, and sincere empathy you deserve! 🙂


dr3dg3 t1_iz01935 wrote

I hate that so much. 😣 Seriously it feels like around boomers, suffering is a contest.


Cimejies t1_iyzw1p7 wrote

Proper hydration is incredibly important too