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JovialJayou1 t1_iz69ku5 wrote

If I’m an all star basketball player and I break my leg during a game, I’m likely going to look like the 3rd frame of progress while I work through my injury to get back to where I was. This is absolutely how progress and life in general works.


ackarthur t1_iz6a9yv wrote

Absolutely not. After breaking your leg you will be at rockbottom and slowly build up again like frame 1 or 2, not get worse and worse and suddenly pop back up to be better than ever before.


JovialJayou1 t1_iz6ap2k wrote

Yeah because rock bottom is directly where you go after a set back, it’s never a gradual process. People just go from working 40 hours a week to homeless and injecting fentanyl the next day.


ackarthur t1_iz6be7h wrote

When you break your leg you're not slightly injured and then get worse over time. I was using your example and showing how it was inaccurate. Your new example about losing your job etc is completely different.

That said, also in that case the climb up is not sudden like frame 3 suggests. Rehabilitation is a long grueling process, not something that happens overnight. You can provide whatever example you like, but progress never takes on the form of frame 3. Only in extremely, extremely specific examples it could happen, and those are absolutely an exception rather than the norm.


JovialJayou1 t1_iz6gqgy wrote

> Only in extremely, extremely specific examples it could happen, and those are absolutely an exception rather than the norm.

Thanks for saving me the trouble of proving my point.
