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Naith58 t1_izjeu55 wrote


dedicated-pedestrian t1_izkn1kl wrote

Well, not quite. At times you are the actor. You have agency.

At others, you are acted upon by other people or circumstances change. These things happen, but they are outside your control.


Naith58 t1_izkr5cm wrote

I think they only appear to have been out of your control retrospectively because our knowledge of the present is always regrettably incomplete.


dedicated-pedestrian t1_izl1opp wrote

But how does this paradigm explain other people? One cannot have total control over one's own life where other peoples' lives cross it. Otherwise they would lose control over their own life, which somehow makes the first person special. Two people can't have total control over their own lives when their actions affect each other. They can have degrees of influence over their life, of course, but not total control.

To think everything within our lives is within our agency affirms the just-world fallacy.