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xXZer0c0oLXx t1_izivokb wrote



NostalgiaJunkie t1_izjucyi wrote

Since you censored the I, I now have no idea what word that is. Care to help me out?


xXZer0c0oLXx t1_izjymdm wrote

Ya it's bull*hit


Higira t1_izk0paq wrote

No, it's clearly bullshi*


pennynotrcutt t1_izk48ur wrote

Wow, what a group of uneducated buffoons. It’s very obviously bu*lshit.


sonderlulz t1_izkah2w wrote

No, think about it.

As a whole, societies and their citizens are doing better than ever before.

Poverty and starvation levels are lower than all of history.

Many people have access to healthcare to varying degrees.

Internet access to knowledge is spreading globally.

Overall, this and the future are the best times for humans to be alive, for now.

Will it remain that way? Who knows, but for now: it's better.

Besides, those youngest people always joke about how death is best..... and nobody makes it out of here alive.


joyo803 t1_izkg2x8 wrote

Lmao this guy


sonderlulz t1_izki186 wrote

I don't know about you, but I like clean drinking water, hygiene products, vaccines, and the internet.


Castrosbeard t1_izkqbe5 wrote

You could have said something similar in spirit right before one of the world wars you know. And shit, one in four people don't even HAVE access to the clean drinking water you just mentioned. There's a looming climate catastrophe that threatens to kill billions within our lifetime. Things may yet get better, but it isn't a given


Dengareedo t1_izkvcxp wrote

One in four is better than three in four

Threatening to kill is different to it happening

It’s also not set in stone to be terrible , sure bad things will happen but everything about the future is just a guess