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justasmalltowndad t1_izmork5 wrote

There are 70 year olds out there who still run full marathons and go to work the next day. They may not be on this biased chart, but they are still masterful examples of the potential of a man's life.

Just by being 35, you already have the advantage when it comes to women, persuasion, trust, and life experience. (If you haven't succeeded much in life, then at least now you know about all the failures that you can avoid) You're older and perceived "wiser" by most people who are getting started.

Even if you don't FEEL like you've made progress, it doesn't matter. Who cares what you FEEL, figure out the concrete advantages you have and use them. You're a man in his prime, a black-maned lion, a king that has been on sabbatical. Just take the crown.

In 1 year, you could have your direction solidly figured out. In 10 years, you could have pursued that direction and reached your dreams. Spend the next 10 years after that enjoying the fight of keeping your dreams alive. Then retire at 55 a happy, wealthy man.


Harlequin-sama t1_izn6780 wrote

Thank you for those words.

I will wear my black lion mane with proud!

Everything you do turns into experience. I stand before a really good opportunity atm and it feels so amazing. It just depends on me. I'll give 120% and hope for the best.


EndOfTheLine00 t1_iznm2uc wrote

"Just by being 35, you already have the advantage when it comes to women, persuasion, trust, and life experience. "

I have none of these things


hickryjustaswell t1_izokapy wrote

I worked a marathon and saw an 81 year old who was on his 50th marathon. Said he started doing them in his 30s.