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Slydemon t1_izni0re wrote

Of course, corrupted as I am, I'm seeing him taking the slippers away


Mypopsecrets t1_iznkru5 wrote

I mean, what is he doing?

Assuming he's returning her slippers why not just hand them to her instead of leaning down like he's going to put them on?

Just seems like there are better examples of people doing "good" things than returning footwear.


fiindcdrzuiijggfjt t1_iznuqcy wrote

It is a good thing what this man did. I don't know there exists a codex of how to make slippers as a present or how to properly hand them over... Don't try to find a grain of salt in every lake... Or however this proverb goes :/


Mypopsecrets t1_izoj221 wrote

Is this a famous picture with some established story? Like I understand the message and I think it's uplifting and all but I don't understand what's going on in the picture.


pown__otto t1_izq6xpi wrote

The man took his shoes off and is giving them to the women because she has none


UncommonBagOfLoot t1_izs18r8 wrote

Nah, it's very unclear. Could be the man offering her slippers and she's frustrated (hence facepalm) at him since she chose to walk bare-foot.


danielspoa t1_izohcgi wrote

He is giving her the flip flops and they dont speak the same language, isnt it? I think I read this was a tourist in Rio, dont quote me on that


Sawbagz t1_iznw0mj wrote

She probably doesn't understand what's happening. Hes showing her, 'these shoes go on your feet'
