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redthorne82 t1_izogamj wrote

Spent 40 years being that guy. Now I just hate everyone and feel empty.


merkwuerdig_liebe t1_izol5qv wrote

What these motivational quotes never tell you is just how difficult “just be a good person” really is.


redthorne82 t1_izomck6 wrote

It's never the momentary things that are difficult, it's the end of the day/week/month/etc and you're just tired.


CSedu t1_izqpvs6 wrote

If it was easy, everyone would do it


merkwuerdig_liebe t1_izr1mld wrote

Oh great, another platitude! /s

That's still underselling it, IMO. Being a good person will get you shit on, lied to, exploited, abused, falsely accused, and vilified by the majority of people, and can really put you in a major depression when you fully realize just how fucked up the world is. It's not for the weak and feeble minded.

Remember, the whole story of Jesus was about a man without sin, and he got crucified and murdered as a result. Now THAT really sums up what you're in for, and explains why there are so few people who can actually do it.


CSedu t1_izr28pz wrote

I've never seen it that way. I'm just nice and expect nothing in return, I seem to be doing fine.


merkwuerdig_liebe t1_izr9hfv wrote

Yeah, I'm afraid just being "nice" doesn't quite cut it, unfortunately.

Being a good person also entails standing up against evil and injustice, instead of just appeasing it. Remember, Jesus wasn't just a nice person, he spoke up against the religious leaders of his day and that's what ultimately landed him in hot water.


VicToro35 t1_izrvig1 wrote

It feels good to help others, but everyone will just get used to you helping them out and they soon take it for granted and start to milk you like a cow. But if you stand up for yourself, you will look like an ass…