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Slydemon t1_izni0re wrote

Of course, corrupted as I am, I'm seeing him taking the slippers away


Mypopsecrets t1_iznkru5 wrote

I mean, what is he doing?

Assuming he's returning her slippers why not just hand them to her instead of leaning down like he's going to put them on?

Just seems like there are better examples of people doing "good" things than returning footwear.


fiindcdrzuiijggfjt t1_iznuqcy wrote

It is a good thing what this man did. I don't know there exists a codex of how to make slippers as a present or how to properly hand them over... Don't try to find a grain of salt in every lake... Or however this proverb goes :/


Mypopsecrets t1_izoj221 wrote

Is this a famous picture with some established story? Like I understand the message and I think it's uplifting and all but I don't understand what's going on in the picture.


pown__otto t1_izq6xpi wrote

The man took his shoes off and is giving them to the women because she has none


UncommonBagOfLoot t1_izs18r8 wrote

Nah, it's very unclear. Could be the man offering her slippers and she's frustrated (hence facepalm) at him since she chose to walk bare-foot.


danielspoa t1_izohcgi wrote

He is giving her the flip flops and they dont speak the same language, isnt it? I think I read this was a tourist in Rio, dont quote me on that


Sawbagz t1_iznw0mj wrote

She probably doesn't understand what's happening. Hes showing her, 'these shoes go on your feet'


informativebitching t1_izns3bz wrote

Why is it all black and white and fuzzy with modern bikes in there? Where is this ?


Lego_Eagle t1_izof2gs wrote

That’s from the millions of times it’s been reposted in the past 15 years


business2690 t1_izsdf6p wrote

it's an ai reproduction.


why would you give your shoes to the poor?


redthorne82 t1_izogamj wrote

Spent 40 years being that guy. Now I just hate everyone and feel empty.


merkwuerdig_liebe t1_izol5qv wrote

What these motivational quotes never tell you is just how difficult “just be a good person” really is.


redthorne82 t1_izomck6 wrote

It's never the momentary things that are difficult, it's the end of the day/week/month/etc and you're just tired.


CSedu t1_izqpvs6 wrote

If it was easy, everyone would do it


merkwuerdig_liebe t1_izr1mld wrote

Oh great, another platitude! /s

That's still underselling it, IMO. Being a good person will get you shit on, lied to, exploited, abused, falsely accused, and vilified by the majority of people, and can really put you in a major depression when you fully realize just how fucked up the world is. It's not for the weak and feeble minded.

Remember, the whole story of Jesus was about a man without sin, and he got crucified and murdered as a result. Now THAT really sums up what you're in for, and explains why there are so few people who can actually do it.


CSedu t1_izr28pz wrote

I've never seen it that way. I'm just nice and expect nothing in return, I seem to be doing fine.


merkwuerdig_liebe t1_izr9hfv wrote

Yeah, I'm afraid just being "nice" doesn't quite cut it, unfortunately.

Being a good person also entails standing up against evil and injustice, instead of just appeasing it. Remember, Jesus wasn't just a nice person, he spoke up against the religious leaders of his day and that's what ultimately landed him in hot water.


VicToro35 t1_izrvig1 wrote

It feels good to help others, but everyone will just get used to you helping them out and they soon take it for granted and start to milk you like a cow. But if you stand up for yourself, you will look like an ass…


Ribbidepp t1_iznilo5 wrote

Why is the old man stealing the slippers?


Cartoon20 t1_iznqrl5 wrote

If you cant do good things just try not to at least make things negative, not everything is a joke nor meant to be.


Behroopia t1_izondsg wrote

He was making a joke, jokes make people laugh which spreads happiness, relieves stress and helps us connect to each other. Being a good person doesn't mean you can't have a sense of humour.


RyDeRzNewB t1_iznjbkg wrote

i remember this photo ... its been a while


swissiws t1_izpxv13 wrote

Why is the white man stealing the black woman's flip flops?


[deleted] t1_izni41g wrote

Nice message. Thank you 🙏


Hannibal_Barca_ t1_iznjhp2 wrote

I typically dislike the get motivated posts, but I like this one. Great message.


project_built t1_iznwtum wrote

But don't forget to prove your good by recording your self doing good


Difficult-Type-1191 t1_izp2xnq wrote

Trying my level best to remain a good person but it is not getting me anywhere


MissHunbun t1_izpi8ca wrote

Being good isn't about getting anywhere. That's the point. It's doing it despite not getting benefits.


Difficult-Type-1191 t1_izr2kvo wrote

I don't want the benefits but why people can't be good in return it's infuriating


MissHunbun t1_izty7uh wrote

Sure I get that. It's because it's easier to be a selfish dick. That's what character is.


Seventh_Planet t1_iznsful wrote

That's my approach with women right now.


Trips-Over-Tail t1_izoih9y wrote

You can also try thinning out the bad ones.


TheSunshinator t1_izorqr2 wrote

Just be a good person. Finding another good person or not is irrelevant in deciding whether to be good or not. That being said, good people are an endangered species so... We definitely need more!


Gabriel2299 t1_izoszh0 wrote

Imma just give her money to buy a pair of flipflops


DemolitionsPanda t1_izqki04 wrote

That is the way!

It isn't as if she is being run by organised criminals as part of a begging ring. They won't just take the money. Or take the slippers, because she earn more in bare feet and rags.

The way you fix poor people is just giving them money!


DallasCumOnOrIn t1_izoxfjd wrote

Problem is the few hoarding the wealth of the many


trashpanda920 t1_izpkq6p wrote

Sometimes you wonder if it'll be worth it. If people will ever start being " good" to you


jerisbear t1_izpxm16 wrote

Getting white man's burden vibes from this


DuffMan420_ t1_izq866n wrote

Could of given her some money… and honestly more often than not these old men in impoverished countries are generally creeps anyway 🤷‍♂️


Transposer t1_izqk8os wrote

I mean, those flip flops are terrible for posture and feet. Might be better off bare foot.


Jlx_27 t1_izqtaj6 wrote

This pic has been filtered and edited millions of times for posts like these.


VicToro35 t1_izrvbq8 wrote

What a kind soul. She sacrificed her shoes to make the old man happy.


Raddyrode t1_izs7ww9 wrote

Doesn’t matter. You’ll get treated like shit anyway


dingodongubanu t1_izniov4 wrote

If you can't find one then your in the dark timeline and need to fend for yourself


Darthbakunawa t1_iznlnef wrote

Act of Random Kindness -Morgan Freeman


raktoe t1_iznusfz wrote

If I already found a good person, do I have to be one?


friendly-the-pumpkin t1_izpqzkm wrote

I used to believe this, but thank you, America. You've broken me.


OptimizedLion t1_izq36sw wrote

Great message, poorly phrased. If the world was indeed full of good people, you shouldn't have difficulty finding them.


aa7x_ t1_izno5c2 wrote

People don't deserve to be good with them


Bacnnator t1_iznxdw1 wrote

Giving the sandals off his own feet rather then the shirt of his back that’s nice


Spyes23 t1_iznyw46 wrote

Does this imply that if I do find good people, I can go ahead and be a dick?


krectus t1_izo3e4h wrote

If was full of good people you would be able to find at least one.


cone10 t1_izo8ckc wrote

Ah, just when the photographer happened to be around?

Sorry, I am not feeling it.


sebastianlive t1_izosn54 wrote

There are 0 good people on this planet. I only meet people who want something, people who want to hurt, people who want to manipulate. I don't believe even that those good people exist.
