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day7seven t1_j00xvte wrote

Unfortunately the boomers decided to do the opposite. They crossed bridges their forefathers built and then blew them up so everyone else behind them would have a tougher time crossing. That way they could claim they were the best generation getting across faster than the people before them. And claim they worked harder than all the lazy people behind them struggling to get across.


EdwardOfGreene t1_j0408p3 wrote

I truly tire of people generalizing entire generations.

No individuals in the group? Just need to know date of birth, and you know all about them without further inquiry?

I grow equally tired of people doing this with race, language group, nation of origin, over generalization by creed, whether they live in sparce or densely populated areas, etc.


CokeFanatic t1_j04d19l wrote

Ya well you're the only one bringing up race and all that other shit right now, aren't you. That's not what is being discussed here.


nhh t1_j05iype wrote

You are right on point. Yes, boomers had it easy. The fact is that they lived in post WW2 economy where America was basically the ONLY country territorially unaffected by WW2.

The fact that there were a whole lot fewer people than there were today also is a factor.

The fact is that Americans today have to compete on a global scale which was not a possibility due to impossibly expensive real-time communication?

Sure, there may be things that boomers were responsible for creating - they exacerbated climate change and did nothing to address it, given that this problem was known since the 80s. They kept voting Republicans into office with the goal to gut the government and gut the tax code - which left us at the current deficit mess.

But by an large, the problems that today's younger generations face are not a result of direct action by Boomers. Arguing so is stupid.


draculamilktoast t1_j01wrms wrote

Obviously the boomers have liberated us all from any personal responsibility and things will be brighter in the future where we keep blaming them for everything.


Littleman88 t1_j02dzbf wrote

They least they could have done when they cut down the tree to make a quick buck was plant a new seed, even if we have to be the ones to nurture it.

They chose to hoard every last cent, now we've nothing to make a buck from. They can now all die just as broke from poor future investments and without a care from us as we're too busy planting new seeds and looking forward to taking all their stuff in the meantime.


cecil721 t1_j04ikn4 wrote

Ronald Reagan started trading with Communist Beijing in 1981. All down hill from there. Once you reach rock bottom prices by having capitalists abuse practical slave labor, you will feel nothing but pain when those workers get just a modicum of respect.

That is where we are now.


feeling_psily t1_j02pkkf wrote

The personal responsibility of paying 1000% more for education and housing than they did, adjusted for inflation due to market deregulation?


Jackamalio626 t1_j03l0gj wrote

kinda hard to have responsibility when you're too broke to do anything.