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neddy_seagoon t1_j0f9qpb wrote

as long as you're in control of it and it's working for you. The risk to focusing on risk is that the brain doesn't know it's totally fake, and the stress/automatic associations get built the same way as "being vaguely pissed at your friend because they punched you in a dream you had last week".

You can also anticipate positive outcomes, maybe 3-5 different options, to destress. You have multiple so you don't get attached to any of them. The goal isn't to figure out what's going to happen, but to trick your nervous system into thinking it is happening right now, and building positive associations with the topic.


Astilaroth t1_j0fqr0p wrote

Haha I had a guybI sorta dated call me at work all upset because he had a dream where I had belittled him for his lack of education. He was very upset. Mind you, I was highet educated but he was this awesome game designer and I felt very out of his league. Also, it was a dream. I do not control the dreams of others.