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albertowtf t1_j1378y0 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in [image] Be kind by _Cautious_Memory

No its not. Happy people will be happy too

What you should recognize is that you dont know shit about what is going on with others. At most you can ask


xQx1 t1_j139vnj wrote

Happy people will appear happy. This is not in dispute.

All humans are mammals, but not all mammals are human.

Similarly, while all happy people might appear happy, not all people who appear happy actually are


misdreavus79 t1_j13iz3o wrote

But you understand the difference between this comment and your other comment, right?


LaurelRaven t1_j144513 wrote

But both can be true: just because it's a symptom of depression doesn't mean everyone who displays it has depression

Some days, the deeper the pit inside, the broader my smile becomes.


misdreavus79 t1_j14bcsy wrote

As to not get too split-hairy here, I just want to focus on the definition of a symptom vs the phenomenon of masking.

You (and presumably the other commenter) are talking about masking. Were happiness to be a symptom of depression, like, say, a fever is a symptom of the flu, you'd have to evaluate every person who displays happiness to test for depression. We know that's not remotely true.

That is because, as a symptom, people would put on a happy face because they're depressed, and not to hide their depression. That's the difference.


xQx1 t1_j168dyq wrote

I really didn't understand why people were getting so upset with my comment until I read yours.

You've convinced me; so I've updated the top-level comment accordingly.


Bean_Juice_Brew t1_j143iyu wrote

You're spouting nonsense and then trying to cover it with more nonsense.


Xmanticoreddit t1_j14lvoq wrote

When we are calm enough to pay attention we can get into a mindset where we can start to think about asking and actually hear what is really being said beneath people's polite reassurances that there's nothing wrong, and they will then feel start to feel safe enough to be honest with us.