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onlooker61 t1_j12hti1 wrote

Robin Williams


[deleted] t1_j1324gm wrote



albertowtf t1_j1378y0 wrote

No its not. Happy people will be happy too

What you should recognize is that you dont know shit about what is going on with others. At most you can ask


xQx1 t1_j139vnj wrote

Happy people will appear happy. This is not in dispute.

All humans are mammals, but not all mammals are human.

Similarly, while all happy people might appear happy, not all people who appear happy actually are


misdreavus79 t1_j13iz3o wrote

But you understand the difference between this comment and your other comment, right?


LaurelRaven t1_j144513 wrote

But both can be true: just because it's a symptom of depression doesn't mean everyone who displays it has depression

Some days, the deeper the pit inside, the broader my smile becomes.


misdreavus79 t1_j14bcsy wrote

As to not get too split-hairy here, I just want to focus on the definition of a symptom vs the phenomenon of masking.

You (and presumably the other commenter) are talking about masking. Were happiness to be a symptom of depression, like, say, a fever is a symptom of the flu, you'd have to evaluate every person who displays happiness to test for depression. We know that's not remotely true.

That is because, as a symptom, people would put on a happy face because they're depressed, and not to hide their depression. That's the difference.


xQx1 t1_j168dyq wrote

I really didn't understand why people were getting so upset with my comment until I read yours.

You've convinced me; so I've updated the top-level comment accordingly.


Bean_Juice_Brew t1_j143iyu wrote

You're spouting nonsense and then trying to cover it with more nonsense.


Xmanticoreddit t1_j14lvoq wrote

When we are calm enough to pay attention we can get into a mindset where we can start to think about asking and actually hear what is really being said beneath people's polite reassurances that there's nothing wrong, and they will then feel start to feel safe enough to be honest with us.


Xmanticoreddit t1_j14lj4a wrote

The focus should be given to the environment in which people are expected to perform in certain emotionally deaf or dishonest ways and the conversations should be driven to get people to think about empathy, suffering and honesty.

It's extremely difficult work that I have yet to see even professionals do flawlessly, but it's also extremely rewarding to rewire oneself to think that way because, I would assert, it cures many diseases, physical, psychological and social in nature and is the beginning of the most important progress inside of any collective.


ANDnowmewatchbeguns t1_j13w80k wrote

Yeah but he didn’t “kill himself” because of depression, he had an incurable disease that was causing him to lose who he was.

I think he’s more a case study on if you do choose to end your life, how and why are important.


Pink_Flash t1_j12xzx1 wrote

Do not mistake composure for ease.


xQx1 t1_j131wqv wrote

Do not be fooled when a master of his craft makes something look easy. Simply because an action was completed flawlessly and quickly, does not mean it was easy.

... I know this misquoted quote is quite off topic, but I do think it's related to your comment, and important.


T_Chishiki t1_j13il4x wrote

Has nothing to do with happiness/mental health though.


StrokeGameHusky t1_j13ydqu wrote

Some people make happiness look easy, but in reality, they probably have an organized life, a healthy bank account, a healthy, steady diet, regular exercise and a good social support system.

Now that is all WORK. It takes work to be happy, imo

Some people are pros at being happy 🤷‍♂️


bilateralunsymetry t1_j12euc9 wrote

This isn't really a get motivated post, but a do unto to others as you would have done to you post


albertowtf t1_j1373s8 wrote

Many people feel shit after comparing to others. But then you can remember (or for most people understand) that you dont know shit about the other person

Puff, comparison is now gone and you feel energized. There are a few more good reads of this. I dare you to find it and share it

Are you even trying to get motivated? Comments on getmotivated think they will get magically motivated from the outside while choosing the worst interpretation possible from the inside

Getting motivated is active yall!


LukesRightHandMan t1_j13ky3a wrote

Yeah, this legit made me feel better about seeing my ex and her new "put together, crushing it" boyfriend the other day lol


Xmanticoreddit t1_j14m7rr wrote

It's pretty difficult to get motivated if you can't be honest with your peers and are stuck in an environment where you are just expected to conform to appearances.


jda815 t1_j13kbie wrote

It's called masking. I know it first-hand, applying it to autism, adhd, chronic illnesses, depression, etc. Please be kind to yourself.


PhyNxFyre t1_j13ck54 wrote

You can also feel attacked by 4 consecutive statements


SouthParkTaughtMe t1_j13xf6m wrote

I'm broke, but I'm happy

I'm poor, but I'm kind

I'm short, but I'm healthy, yeah

I'm high, but I'm grounded

I'm sane, but I'm overwhelmed

I'm lost, but I'm hopeful, baby

And what it all comes down to

Is that everything's gonna be fine, fine, fine

'Cause I've got one hand in my pocket

And the other one is giving a high five

I feel drunk, but I'm sober

I'm young and I'm underpaid

I'm tired, but I'm working, yeah

I care, but I'm restless

I'm here, but I'm really gone

I'm wrong and I'm sorry, baby

And what it all comes down to

Is that everything's gonna be quite alright

'Cause I've got one hand in my pocket

And the other one is flicking a cigarette

And what it all comes down to

Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet

'Cause I've got one hand in my pocket

And the other one is giving a peace sign

I'm free, but I'm focused

I'm green, but I'm wise

I'm hard, but I'm friendly, baby

I'm sad, but I'm laughing

I'm brave, but I'm chicken shit

I'm sick, but I'm pretty, baby

And what it all boils down to

Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet

Well, I've got one hand in my pocket

And the other one is playing a piano

And what it all comes down to my friends, yeah

Is that everything is just fine, fine, fine

'Cause I've got one hand in my pocket

And the other one is hailing a taxi cab

[Hand In My Pocket by Alanis Morissette]


scan7 t1_j13b0pz wrote

Me right now, 3 months sick with stress and severe anxiety. People can't tell most of the time. I refuse to play up the symptoms.


[deleted] t1_j134wmh wrote

Yeah our immune system is in a constant battle. Give it some credit.


SpicyBonks t1_j13p5kg wrote

I relate to alot of this. But as someone that suffers with migraines. It's hard to tell from the outside how much pain I'm truly in some days.


Rainwillis t1_j150bv7 wrote

I also suffer from migraines and after ignoring it and then struggling for a long time to get treatment I just started a new medicine called aimovig that actually helps. Might be worth asking your doctor about if you can. It’s not a cure but it seems like my migraines aren’t as bad when I’m on it.


Filthy-_-Peasant t1_j138i2q wrote

I often say, we all have out own battle, just becouse you can't ways see it does not mean you are not fighting.


giggidy88 t1_j13jx6w wrote

I’m constantly anxious, but people always remark how calm and cool I seem in stressful situations, blows my mind.


bean-arino t1_j14bpv2 wrote

And isn’t that ironic, dontcha think


Ladyhappy t1_j14o86d wrote

That’s how I feel about a lot of photos. I lose weight when I’m super depressed and it’s insane the amount of positive encouragement I get for it even though I’m never bigger than a size six to begin with (like going from a six to a two in weeks = super unhealthy). Pictures add ten pounds and so in photos I always look excellent but I remember the story of pain behind those cheekbones and it’s never joy.


GrumpitySnek t1_j13c4r8 wrote

But you can never look like shit and be healthy. That's just not a thing.


Anonymous3302 t1_j13shze wrote

U can eat Healthy and think bad… making u look.bad.


Xmanticoreddit t1_j14mo3o wrote

Eating healthy is wayyyy more difficult than most people understand. I've thought I was eating healthy for nearly 40 years and was sick everyday, to a great extent, because of what I was eating.


Ekadzati83 t1_j13d3z7 wrote

Unfortunately, it seems that it will kill people to be kind.


Sneed_is_king t1_j13fep7 wrote

I can't even be kind to myself. I'll just keep bottling it all up I suppose.


IShitOnYourPost t1_j13oori wrote

You can also feel good looking and be ugly. Doesn't usually last that long though.


keraniu t1_j13syfy wrote

me trying to be healthy with eating fruits rn while sitting up straight hurts asf because i strained my ribcage


themustacheclubbitch t1_j14m65b wrote

This is so poignant for me today. I spoke to my social worker today he’s new. We spoke and asked about my mental health. I said well I suffer from high anxiety/panic attacks, adhd, depersonalization and depression. He says “Wow talking to you I would have never guessed it, you speak so well.” I told him. We get through the days wearing a mask and I’m good at wearing it. But still gotta move forward.


Suspicious_Book_3186 t1_j15joc9 wrote

Let's not forget that sometimes, someone's daily poop didn't go as nice as usual. This is the real problem.


leo_here86 t1_j15jxsq wrote

Being kind is hard when everything for you is set on max difficulty while the other person just breezes through the hurdles


MENTALITY_MATTERZ t1_j15v0rr wrote

I like for others to be happy. I do not want to show my emotions and pain around others.


Ogive8 t1_j13owqe wrote

Or just be kind because it's the right thing to do.


-VILN- t1_j13lan9 wrote



Concrete_Cancer t1_j138g5f wrote

Be kind to rich people especially—they have so much responsibility and such great struggles the likes of which most of us wouldn’t wish on our worst enemies! Homeless people and ordinary working class people are living like fat cats by comparison


artemis2792 t1_j13un6t wrote

I grew up poor and have been surrounded by ordinary working class people who struggle financially as a kid/teenager. I now work in a career where everyone I met so far have been financially well off their entire lives (middle to high class). Comparing them, I disagree


Concrete_Cancer t1_j14e2l0 wrote

It says a lot about the condition of modern civilized life when someone says “rich people have it worse than homeless people” and it’s not taken as obvious sarcasm.

Abolish capitalism.


BillyYumYumTwo-byTwo t1_j14fo44 wrote

It was pretty obviously sarcasm. It just wasn’t funny or helpful.

I do agree abolish capitalism! But you aren’t being downvoted because people thought you were being sincere…


Concrete_Cancer t1_j14iz84 wrote

Some of the comments here suggest otherwise—not that I care. It’s an empirical matter that isn’t at all worth settling. I’m not posting to entertain or help anyone or provide public service announcements or constructive criticism. I’m just venting and reminding myself that, no, not all of our struggles are equal; and if we want to promote kindness, then we should abolish the system that encourages, feeds, and breeds on its opposite.


Fresh-Ad4983 t1_j13xxog wrote

Rich guy: I envy the ordinary working man, for he lives as a fat cat by comparison.

Decent person: by all means, let’s switch

Richie rich: well let’s not be too hasty now