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Shawnigmatic t1_j171ik4 wrote

The antagonist stance of so many people here on getmotivated is unnecessary.

Of course one line of text won't apply to every situation or have all the answers.

Sometimes it isn't even meant to be a literal guidance.

You have to take away the positive message, discern for yourself as you must in life.

If you are in a situation where failing is not going to negatively impact you other than others opinions of you then it is a very freeing feeling to know that failure is okay.

Of course if failing means losing your job or progress in lie there is more at stake. The lesson is to let yourself fail if it won't cost you anything.

Taking from that try things that you'll fail without consequence more. Try new hobbies, dates, etc knowing they could go badly but knowing that failing is okay.

The key to life isn't written down somewhere you have to interpret positive lessons for yourself.


notenoughroomtofitmy t1_j178z80 wrote

This comment needs to be stickied in every post that has any sort of quote in it.

No single line, paragraph, page or even book will hold the secret to all of life. Quotes are meant to provoke thought not blindly be applied to life situations and then complain why it isn’t working. If you read a quote and your mind immediately goes to find use cases where the quote fails, you’re doing quotes wrong. Sure there is some horrible advice out there written in beautiful fonts, but this post isn’t one of them.


upsetwords t1_j17of7a wrote

It did provoke thought and that thought was, "this is stupid."

It's just not true or useful advice, and it's needlessly antagonistic.


TDixPix t1_j17k42x wrote

I agree so much. It's that same antagonist stance that will make the next generations 'bootstrap' mantras so much more pointed, likely because they're so spiteful of the present generation.

Do what you can with what you have, work to improve the system and try not to feel too sorry for yourself on Reddit.


cuteriemi t1_j17kons wrote

The most meta comment for people trying to better themselves - find what works for you, not just follow what people say will work for you.
