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invaderpixel t1_j19o6ks wrote

Reply to comment by whyunoletmepost in [image] by _Cautious_Memory

For lack of interest I find some peppy music or think of something super fun to do after that task is finished. Brian Tracy used to call the unpleasant task "Eat That Frog" and Jessica McAbe from How To ADHD calls it "The Wall of Awful." Doing the worst thing first helps especially if the worst thing is the most important.

I've also had fun doing the "why" of when something needs to get done, like figuring out a rational reason or overplaying how a particular task has a big picture meaning. But if something's truly pointless it's been enough motivation to call someone up and figuring a way around doing it in the first place. This is mainly a work bureaucracy thing and there's definitely some limits to this.