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RBHubbell58 t1_j1hqu69 wrote

Nope. This perpetuates the fallacy that outside forces control your life.

"It" isn't "trying to teach" you anything.

The right questions are: what can I learn from this? and how do I avoid this in the future?


thrww3534 t1_j1ihktf wrote

Huh? It seems to me more like personification, a common literary tool, in this case the personification of experiences, of experiential lessons particularly. But even if we assumed it to mean experiences are forces that literally “try” to do things like allow us to learn, that wouldn’t mean they controlled lives. It would only mean outside forces affect your life, which they do.

It seems to me to just be an artful way of saying to ask ‘what can I learn from this.’ There is no perpetration of fallacy here as far as I can see.


Gyoziiko t1_j1is9w5 wrote

Reddit hive mind will disagree with you as they think this is hinting at the idea of a higher power or universal force and religious beliefs = bad. Instead of interpreting it as, like you said, an artful personification.


BigBossWesker4 t1_j1isjbl wrote

I feel ya, I just let it run its course, learn the lessons and see the signs for next time.


JohnJThrush t1_j1kxozj wrote

Also add that the world doesn't need to make sense to you because you're human with all the limitations that it entails.


Kivitee t1_j1i8r80 wrote

You had shitty friends, find new one that treats you right


dr_reverend t1_j1io4x5 wrote

I’m being slowly crushed by a boulder that has fallen on me and I will be dead in about 30 minutes while experiencing excruciating pain the entire time.

Yeah, what is this boulder trying to teach me indeed.


Pawn_of_the_Void t1_j1prhim wrote

The boulder is teaching you the inevitability of death and making you aware of your own mortality. Look no one said they had to be nice lessons!


Accomplished-Ad4334 t1_j1j03wy wrote

Sometimes bad things happen and we have zero control over it. Accept the things you cannot control and carry on. Sometimes there’s no lesson to be learned. And that’s the hard truth.


suzi-r t1_j1i5u3d wrote

Good call.


Ethario t1_j1j7xpg wrote

OK, What is this chronic pain for the past 7 years that specialists and physical therapist have no idea how to treat trying to tell me ? Suicide ?


AzemadaiusKaiser t1_j1iov41 wrote

I just got sick with a terrible cold on Christmas - I suppose this should teach me that sometimes, though rarely, you get sick at the worst times, and should try to not let it get you down.


UniverseBear t1_j1izqsu wrote

I mean it's not trying to teach you anything, it's trying to fuck you up, but you can ask "what can I learn from this?"


Swumbus-prime t1_j1j6pe5 wrote

I don't think cancer is trying to teach anyone anything.


goatjugsoup t1_j1jdai0 wrote

Better would be is there anything I can learn from this... sometimes shit just happens, the universe doesn't have a lesson plan for you