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throwawaydoabackflip t1_j1jgfvq wrote

Same problem. Once read a tip about trying to do what you're procrastinating on only for 5 minutes. It's not a lot of time, and you're just starting a little bit. For me it's usually starting with something that I struggle with, but once I do get into it it's a lot easier. So the 5 min rule helps, if you still don't feel motivated after 5 min, do something else. It's a pretty okay method, helps sometimes


duckykazzoo t1_j1n1l9x wrote

I think I read about that tactic in “Atomic Habits”. They used to example of going to the gym. Go for 5 minutes regularly. Eventually you’ll do more cuz you’ve developed the habit of doing it. There’s a bunch of other tips on that book too about how you do things. If you develop the habit of going to the gym, on the days you don’t want to, if when you get home, just put on your workout clothes and it’ll be a lot easier to do the less desirable task. Kinda gotta start designing your life to avoid the procrastination habbit


Youngerthandumb t1_j1jgt71 wrote

This is kind of dumb but hear me out. You can harness your power. I'll give an example. I don't like doing the dishes, I don't hate it, but it's my least favourite cleaning thing. So what I do is get em started, then avoid doing them as much as I can. I'll go around and find other stuff to do instead, pick up some crap, take out the garbage, do some laundry, bathroom, whatever. After a few hours, everything is done, except the dishes, but then the dishes are super easy because, with everything else done, it's just a little thing.

Also, habits. If you get used to just doing something right then, especially if it's just small, it just becomes a thing you do rather than something you have to think about.


LukeSteeves t1_j1jixc4 wrote

Just do the thing. Its.simple, but it's not easy. Procrastination is an anxious response, so ask yourself what are you anxious about that .along you avoidant, and while you're thinking about that, just do the task.


LoneWolfThrowAway t1_j1jq0vc wrote

Mindfulness so you can catch yourself procrastinating.

Educate yourself on emotional intelligence. Start asking yourself "how do I feel right now?". Usually there's a reason for you to delay tasks.

Write down your plan for the day. Write down your plan for the day. Write down your plan for the day. I can't stress this enough. It's stupid. It's simple. But for some reason it works.

Also, just do it.

Also, don't be afraid to take a bit of rest. Try to stick to a workable segment (example: I'll work for 30 minutes, rest, work for 30 minutes, rest), then increase the duration until you feel comfortable. Much easier to start with small chunks than big ones, it feels less daunting, thus making you less prone to procrastinate.


punchonetres t1_j1l1khj wrote

I never make the thing i don't want to do my primary activity, i always demote it to my secondary activity. For example, When i needed to vacuum the house, I used to listen to music while vacuuming...not anymore, I vacuum the house while I listen to music. This simple perception shift helps me to remain excited to vacuum the house because It's an opportunity to listen to music primarily.


TheLit420 t1_j1k5d1e wrote

I was told that a new habit becomes habit after two weeks of going it. It's not true. The reality is that time passes and no one misses out on it except for you. So good luck.


fourbigmacsandafanta t1_j1lyhtl wrote

Read the summary of Atomic Habits. Don't mess around. Go read it right now! Even if you just read one line. It'll take you 5 seconds.


Curious-Beginning861 t1_j1k9npm wrote

I have the same problem as you. Currently failing a couple east class due to my inability to do shit :/ But last year I was actually doing well my solution was not doing my work at home. I used a Starbucks near my house along with the school library. I put my phone on silent just started on something mundane and then worked up to the bigger stuff. Hope this helps in some way (:


CourageousHare t1_j1kbvpd wrote

I have the same problem. Write yourself a to-do list. It can be overwhelming when you have so many tasks to do. Prioritise them and write them down so you can see them in front of you. Give yourself time limits to finish tasks, take breaks and reward yourself every time you complete a task. Put your phone away in another room! It's okay if you can't get some things done, it'll still be there tomorrow. Sorry that's all I got.


a11en t1_j1krp8j wrote

Work dash - 15 minute timer, one task that’s so big it makes you procrastinate. Break after the 15 minutes and start again.

Read The Now Habit by Neil Fiore


dasCooDawg t1_j1kv8qe wrote

Sometimes the thing that works for me is to understand that even organizing and setting things up to do the thing is doing it. That is, the setup also counts.

In practice that could mean unpacking, setting out your tools in order and skimming through the manual.

You are pretty much lowering the unknown and can hopefully jump into it without as much resistance afterwards.


LoneWolfSigmaGuy t1_j1ldc1w wrote

  1. Self discipline.
  2. Plan, schedule & write down what you need to do.
  3. Repeat.

Ahotfeet t1_j1lxsbf wrote

Impossible, you're already dead.


wannabecpa93 t1_j1m02tw wrote

Get off Reddit (and all other social media).


checker280 t1_j1mbobo wrote

My biggest procrastination issue was getting ready and leaving the house in the AM for work.

I eventually solved this by waking up two hours early. I realized I just liked puttering around the house, having a second cup of coffee, while watching the news.

One night I was feeling restless so I simply got up early and started my day. I had two cups of coffee, read the newspaper, got into the car before rush hour and got to see the sunrise.

Obviously it doesn’t work for most scenarios.

Now that I’m retired here’s some funny insights. I used to be able to kill hours while I was working, just window shopping in the dollar stores or playing games. It’s easy when you are killing someone else’s time.

But now that I’m retired all those little things aren’t as fun when I’m just wasting MY time.


briggs851 t1_j1moga4 wrote

Well first and foremost you’ll want to…hang on, I’ll be right back.


BeardedJewFish t1_j1mxoo4 wrote

Sometimes I look at doing a task today as a favor for myself tomorrow because I know I'll want to do it even less then.


NoHo-HoNo t1_j1n48mu wrote

When I was in Junior high my history teacher made us recite this poem in front of the class if we missed X amount of assignments.

Procrastination is a crime It only leads to sorrow I can stop it anytime I think I will Tomorrow

it still cracks me up


-Goat--- t1_j1na8pn wrote

Setup a visual reminder of the thing you need to do. Place it where you will be looking at it constantly. In front of tv, computer, etc, wherever you waste time. If you can't ignore it at all, you're giving your willpower more chances to win.


securenborder t1_j1qoynd wrote

This. For me things need to be visual, they need to have timelines and I have to know the why behind doing it. Sometimes things cease to be important. Do you still desire to go down that path? Constantly re-evaluate.


wrighttc t1_j1k7soz wrote

Just get started.