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MrMemory t1_j1l9gla wrote

“The Courage to be Disliked” book was a game changer for me personally.


ihitrockswithammers t1_j1lv6n3 wrote

Damn I had no idea I was so brave! Not that I'm unafraid to be myself, everyone just hates me.

I say everyone but I exaggerate. Most people have no idea who I am. And even then of those that do, only most of them hate me.


MrMemory t1_j1lwq9g wrote

They must have liked those rocks you hit.


ihitrockswithammers t1_j1lym6y wrote

Oh most people who see a rock that got beaten up by me like it. Except some other artists cause there's a lot of insecurity in the art world.

I just manage to piss people off by being socially incompetent. Making good arts only gets you so far.


kitreia t1_j1m6irr wrote

If you have Amazon Prime you can grab this for free, on the Kindle store.

Well worth a read. Might do this again today, thank you.


LaTraLaTrill t1_j1orrl7 wrote

It's free for audiobook. With Amazon prime, the kindle version is $14.


kitreia t1_j1pv6wp wrote

It's a part of Prime Reading, in the UK and maybe other places, which is a large selection of ebooks available free to read for Prime members (this is separate to Kindle Unlimited, which the book is also on).

Edited to note it's free in UK.


LaTraLaTrill t1_j1q3d8c wrote

Odd... I have prime and that book is not free for me.


kitreia t1_j1q7a0b wrote

You know I only just found out that Prime Reading may be a UK Amazon thing. Sorry about that.


LaTraLaTrill t1_j1q9vzn wrote

Ah that explains it! The books available under that service differ based on location. I'm in the US.


kitreia t1_j1qm8w6 wrote

Thank you, I've learned something new! Including not jumping to a conclusion, I should hone in my skills of Google Fu a bit more :)


LaTraLaTrill t1_j1qmoex wrote

I assumed we were both in the US and was scouring prime reading to see if there was some hidden version of the book. We're both off point today!


kitreia t1_j1qqggj wrote

Hahah! That's exactly what I was doing, but for the UK! 😂


LaTraLaTrill t1_j1qa1m9 wrote

I saw you crossed out your previous comment, your comment is still valid for the UK and possibly other places.


sho_biz t1_j1lu1vs wrote

"All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, then success is assured."


Zman14q t1_j1mnqt0 wrote

I wish this wasn’t true..


BeatMasterFresh t1_j1o3utj wrote

Because you dont have the confidence in yourself. You see arrogance as a bad thing because you envy those who don’t think twice like you do. But being envious is worse than being arrogant.


sho_biz t1_j1qit7b wrote

The quote I posted, in my opinion, is a critique of fool-hearty people and their attitudes, directly in opposition to OP's post. In other words, don't relish stupidity. I'd just point to the rise of anti-expertise and fascism going hand in hand over the past 20 years or so around the globe.


BeatMasterFresh t1_j1qli5q wrote

The laws of the universe are the laws. We just follow the rules and live out our lives the way we want. If you wish to be successful. The first thing you must do is have the ignorance and the confidence to try something you feel unqualified to do. To attempt something everyone said was impossible. To create something that everyone said couldn’t be created. Success good or evil is the same to the universe. As this reality could be seen as a test of your soul. Our lives are disposable. Easy come easy go. Our pain and suffering is simply part of the human experience. It’s not attached to your soul. It’s when you are judged by the higher power to see if your ignorance and confidence was justified. You speak of anti expertise and fascism as part of the problem. These terms and labels are irrelevant to the true fact that these powers are simply the manifestation of human nature. They are doing what humans do. Positive or negative. If we want to fix it. As society we need to group together to create the reality we want. Sad truth is everyone is very comfortable living an individualistic lifestyle with no regard for changing the world. But if you wanted to have individual success you’d need to believe in yourself and your ideas even if no one agrees.


Wonder_Wandering t1_j1lpu9y wrote

Your fear of graphic design is holding you back


UbiquitousWobbegong t1_j1m50p7 wrote

I embraced this concept a few years ago when I went back to school. It worked great, at first. But very quickly I found that if I didn't fake confidence and knowledge, people started to treat me like an idiot.

Coming out of school my options for employment ended up being very limited because I couldn't get any recommendations, and my employment I did manage to get has been threatened because my coworkers see me as inadequate, even though I see them make their own mistakes all the time.

Sometimes perception is everything. If people see you as confident, they tend to believe you actually know what you're doing. I've seen people fail upwards into promotions just because they were good at faking competence.


Phoenyx_Rose t1_j1mtidx wrote

Came here to say this. Being afraid to look stupid helps with keeping a certain image for employers. If you aren’t afraid to look stupid but end up failing a lot and don’t try to fake that confidence and knowledge after while you’re still working things out, you end up with the devil effect unfortunately.

Also, if you end up in a position above others, their trust in you often relies on how confident you act, even if you’re not sure of yourself.

So I guess the takeaway tends to be: don’t be afraid to fail so you can learn, but don’t be too obvious about that failure.


opolaski t1_j1nssgw wrote

That's a great point. But I think you fundamentally have to start with the willingness to personally (or within a small group) express in a way that looks stupid. Then it's important to learn how to present once you're no longer a perfectionist, which ironically, is the presentation of being faultless.

It doesn't work the other way around, otherwise you end up unhappy.


Sunlights-hammer- t1_j1m0pwi wrote

“If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid with regard to external things. Don't wish to be thought to know anything; and even if you appear to be somebody important to others, distrust yourself. For, it is difficult to both keep your faculty of choice in a state conformable to nature, and at the same time acquire external things. But while you are careful about the one, you must of necessity neglect the other.” Epictetus


Stiff_Cook t1_j1m69ct wrote

You gave me eye cancer


Flash635 t1_j1lu6it wrote

And that is a good thing.


RangeWilson t1_j1lz9zw wrote

This thread is pretty stupid, honestly.

So... well done!!!


JustYerAverage t1_j1mhs0r wrote

Oh sweet Jesus, no. In America we REALLY NEED MORE people to be afraid to look stupid. REALLY REALLY REALLY.


HalpWithMyPaper t1_j1ngtmq wrote

That's the fucked up part. The people who should feel stupid never do, and the actual good and smart people always feel fear and shame.


Mr-Zero-Fucks t1_j1m5yym wrote

your fear of color contrast is holding you back


NotGeorglopez t1_j1m8bw7 wrote

Definitely didn’t hold you back from posting this eye sore


[deleted] t1_j1ma1e6 wrote



DaSchnitzler t1_j1mglw9 wrote

It would be actually the opposite. Since those children don't have a sense of social norms.


HalpWithMyPaper t1_j1ngpmo wrote

No, fawaz is right. I was kept indoors and have cripplingly low self esteem.


Upst8r t1_j1m21pd wrote

*always looks stupid*


richTING13 t1_j1lz32y wrote

This was meant for my eyes


Janet0217 t1_j1lz84u wrote

... but what if you are naturally stupid!


william-t-power t1_j1mdtd3 wrote

Being stupid is how you end up smart. You do all the stupid ideas, you see how they don't work out, then start forming better ideas.


poedraco t1_j1mntea wrote

When I see something stupid or silly, can never remember who it was, just the action. So I remember that, and don't worry about what people think


Sparred4Life t1_j1ndzpz wrote

Just be careful about behaving stupid on reddit comments. People get big time mad. :)


veredox t1_j1lzh14 wrote

When the music is pumping, bust a move!


LWIAYist-ian-ite t1_j1m3xmu wrote

Thank you. I needed this. I'll try being purposely stupid brave, it'll take away this mind block.


Zenanii t1_j1m4w98 wrote

I'm pretty sure my actual stupidity is holding me back.


MattAmoroso t1_j1maxa4 wrote

That's my secret, Cap... I always look stupid.


ShitFuck2000 t1_j1mcyll wrote

My actual stupidity is holding me back


SirFancyPantsBrock t1_j1md2jc wrote

Nope it's the fact that if whatever I attempt doesn't turn out perfectly the very first time then I'm an absolute failure and will never do better that the thing I made for the very first time. That's what's holding me back.


r0ndy t1_j1mdhi9 wrote

I do what I want and that makes me an asshole. You can't win.


btjk t1_j1miw25 wrote

Your fear of looking stupid is stupid looking.


Open-Ad-9878 t1_j1mlee6 wrote

I m look estupid every time i whant to do somting good


eltorr007 t1_j1mobu6 wrote

My eyes after looking at this quote (@_@)


JorgeMcKay t1_j1mq92s wrote

Joke's on you, I was born looking stupid


jackfinished t1_j1mqpcc wrote

Husband all this time I thought actually being stupid was doing it... Thanks!


Smiekes t1_j1ms0xt wrote

I know. Working on it


TheBigToe t1_j1mt3fn wrote

Your thought of looking stupid. It’s just a thought and it will pass.


HD_BZ t1_j1muaw5 wrote

Im colorblind what is this a picture of


AgrenHirogaard t1_j1mwbkm wrote

No, I'm just stupid. It holds me back.


exceptionalfish t1_j1mzkjx wrote

Is this why stupid people are so concerned about their right to the freedoms they have no threat of losing?


deathbatfukstik t1_j1n17k5 wrote

None of the people who would judge you have any credibility


Dinostra t1_j1n1mw4 wrote

Aah, another person who underestimate my level of stupid


RealSkyDiver t1_j1n2an5 wrote

This text gave me anxiety and vertigo.


meeko-meeko t1_j1n337h wrote

Who the fuck wants to be normal in this world


Muhshuggah t1_j1n3ctm wrote

This gave me the push I needed to go shopping in assless chaps. I am no longer afraid of appearing stupid 😤


Benightedness t1_j1n4tff wrote

I feel my mum posted this for me. I’m not falling for it


Zootyleon t1_j1n83jb wrote

If only this was true


t_rollawaya t1_j1ndgh8 wrote

I'm way past fear of looking stupid, now I'm confident I look stupid.


Locked_and_Firing t1_j1njqxv wrote

Just never care about what others think or censoring yourself


Harlequin-sama t1_j1nln0x wrote

I don't understand. What do you mean?


ithrewthegame t1_j1nojg9 wrote

Oh I’m not afraid of looking stupid now. I just do but live with it.


Demon_Fist t1_j1nt7yc wrote

It's not my fear of being stupid. It's my compassion and caring for others that's holding me back. If I was more selfish, spiteful and petty, I'd be farther along in life.


ifoundit1 t1_j1o0h70 wrote

That fear originates from the fear of being correct and the fear that every one else is stupid and that makes you secularly objectionable because you didn't wear the shit hat too.


AnakinAni t1_j1okvx0 wrote

Yeah it’s holding me back from looking stupid. This is such a counter constructive motivation. If I fear looking stupid doing something it’s probably either from prior experience or from watching others fail doing that very thing. No one simply fears trying something without a reason unless it’s a phobia & phobia is a medical condition.


UniverseBear t1_j1oqujn wrote

Untrue brother, I just released a video called Man Plays Toilet. It is exactly what you think it is.


89inerEcho t1_j1ouoip wrote

Ha! I look stupid all the time. Is that why I feel so motivated!?!?!


mygooglers t1_j1p3g75 wrote

I don’t know what I want to do with my life, but I know what I don’t want to do.


naguib101 t1_j1p3n6l wrote

Before the internet era it was totally me. You could do or say stuff and it wouldn’t make a ripple in the pond; but since then I’m terrified something I do or say ends up online and ruin my entire life like it happened in so many cases (famous or random people) at astonishing speed and worldwide distance.

Internet forgets nothing.. so I feel like I’ve been much more in control

(I work in IT)


sheikhyerbouti t1_j206pwl wrote

The future's up to you,

So whatcha gonna do?



ShvoogieCookie t1_j1m78gs wrote

I'm not sure how embracing to look stupid will get me ahead in my career or to pay my expenses.


HybridAkali t1_j1m8m5x wrote

Never go full re tar d tho, as with everything else there’s a golden mean to this as well
