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AnAquaticOwl t1_j1prykw wrote

The other user mentioned humans. "For sound or "noise" to be "music" you need an artist (intention of stimulus)"

"there's nothing random about those sounds, though - they were clearly organized into appearing at a specific point, in a specific context."

Sort of. A construction site is indeed just random noise...but what if I individually recorded each machine - a jackhammer, an excavator, men yelling, a dude with a rivet gun - and assembled them myself into the sounds of a busy construction site? It's *exactly* the same as a random site you might pass on the street but now it was assembled with intention. Is one just random noise and one noise music?


"The Nurse with Wound example is interesting, but it's literally noise organised in time..."

But it's mostly organized by sheer chance. Sure Steve is controlling the effects pedal to change the oscillations, but he's not creating the sound. Coil made heavy use of random, unpredictable glitches in their music too (they even had a word for it - Elph).


Boyd Rice's last album was just four long, unchanging tones.