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pepperinmypaprikash t1_j1urc85 wrote

Reply to comment by UniQue1992 in [image] by _Cautious_Memory

I think part of it is to become curious about why you’re holding on to whatever it is you’re trying to control and your reaction/response. Spend a lot of time on this step. I’m working on my anger, for example. I get angry when I feel I’m not in control. Sometimes I am able to take a step back and break the situation down. Once I’m able to specifically identify what is (actually) upsetting me, it gets easier for me to let it go. Took me a while because my reaction is still feeling anger, but at least now my *reponse * is way better. (Sometimes. I’m a work in progress.)


tangledweebledwevs t1_j1uu63z wrote

This, this, this. You can't let go if you don't know what exactly you are trying to let go of. I'm working on my anger as well. I remember reading somewhere once that anger is always about another emotion. For me, a lot of it seems to be about fear. When I can figure out what's really going on, it immediately takes the anger and the fear down a notch so I can think more rationally. But like you alluded to, it is taking lots of practice (and patience) to retrain my brain to respond in a different way.


Nack3r t1_j1vb2ou wrote

We are all a work in progress my friend. I love the insight.


Grewsome1 t1_j1wu8xz wrote

I need to learn this. This sounds exactly like me and I can’t stand that I am like this.