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ifoundit1 t1_j20quxp wrote

They're not futuristic everyone is just encouraged to be knowledge supressed. A lot of DEWs have been around since the late 1800s when Einstein,Tesla,Edison,Hitler and Bell was around also when the bill of rights was changed to emphasize it's ok for the military to "test" on civilians.


hairysnowmonkey t1_j20uqrf wrote

  1. You ignored the pertinent question of how these methods can take someone's inner character traits. 2. Not futuristic? Okay then simply name the place where we all will recognize this common technology being used. We can all easily name instances of every other kind of weapon being used including very recent ones like drones. 3. You seem to bring up these weapons repetitively as though they're more connected to your interests than to any particular article or topic.

ifoundit1 t1_j20vbml wrote

I can't understand your engrained redundant provocative nature.


hairysnowmonkey t1_j20vwtz wrote

I can't understand your insane word soup of commentary that always trails back to these weapons, which you can't give one instance of as an example. I'm not being provocative, I'm literally giving you many chances to explain either these weapons or how they're pertinent to someone's inherent inner traits.


Realestaste t1_j22a02v wrote

No he's right, if anyone messes with your brain they can take away all the things.

Maybe its not a directed energy weapon and it's a baseball bat to the back of your skull.

Does that clear things up, hairy snow monkey?