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Nurisija t1_j23xph9 wrote

The trick is to never have any empathy.


ifoundit1 t1_j24558u wrote

Only care about something if it's in your way.


laffingbuddhas t1_j24zh3k wrote

Disagree with the above extreme comments about having no empathy or only having it when it suits you.

This post is about moderation. Be balanced when empathize with people around you. Empathy is feeling what they feel and doing something about it.

It is the doing something about it that you need to control.


Farhead_Assassjaha t1_j25ake6 wrote

True. People who are born being naturally empathetic have to learn later in life to turn it off without feeling guilty.


Farhead_Assassjaha t1_j25lax1 wrote

I use a little cognitive therapy. I have to keep reminding myself, “Just because you are aware of other people’s suffering and you choose not to help, doesn’t mean you are a bad person. The feeling of guilt is just a natural consequence of having that awareness, nothing more”. Take practice but it starts to help a little.


Farhead_Assassjaha t1_j25mucv wrote

I know that feeling. Being a youngest sibling taught me to wait and watch, so I learned patience but not how to initiate socialization. I’ve learned some social skills so it’s not debilitating but I’ll never be the most outgoing person. It’s just not my personality.


coyote-1 t1_j264xdt wrote

By contrast, many who claim to be empathic are, in reality, anything but. I know one person who says she’s an empath, says she takes on the pain of everyone around her… yet she can never read the room to decipher the moods of the folks in it, and therefore often comes across as a clod. In reality she’s an emotional vampire, feeding off the pain of others.

So be sure that being too empathic is the actual issue before charging down this path.


atomic_peanut t1_j26ep0z wrote

Similar anecdotal experience, everyone I've met who's claimed to be an empath has been a manipulator

The most authentic empathetic people I've met you'd think the sun shined out their arse they're that nice.


TheNegAgeN t1_j28255x wrote

Too little too late but thanks I suppose haha.


OkAnteater8791 t1_j289qhh wrote

Be careful who you try to save, they might be a narcissist.