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resustainimagine t1_j26tl07 wrote

Creating a future to look forward to.

By focussing on my physical and mental health. One goal is to start and finish a marathon in August to keep me motivated to run. I found a running schedule to stick to and hope it will help me to stay more active. Additionally, I will work two yoga sessions per week into my week.

To improve my mental health, I want to start journaling and meditating but have not developed a strategy yet.

My third goal is to turn my blog into a business. I want to be my own boss and be able to work from anywhere in the world. My next step is to get active on my social media platforms with my offer.

I think this is enough for me to begin 2023 with. My physical and mental health and my business.


PersephoneisHalfHell OP t1_j26u9e2 wrote

That all sounds awesome and very inspiring! For the journalling and meditating, maybe an app is a good start to remind and prompt you? I really loved head space for meditation, but that's just me!