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massimopericcolo t1_j26jxwi wrote

Stop having anxiety and conclude with my old problems. I want new ones please


PersephoneisHalfHell OP t1_j26k483 wrote

I'd love to stop anxiety too. Do you have a way of getting there? Programs, books, or strategies?


massimopericcolo t1_j280lj1 wrote

Therapy. You can't solve something like that without help


PersephoneisHalfHell OP t1_j2c53gl wrote

Therapy is great! And I'm glad you have that option. I'm also in weekly therapy for several years, but I know there's a good few books which have really helped me progress outside of sessions, hence me asking 😊


CrayonDelicacies t1_j26z84r wrote

You know the whole “lose weight, get healthy” schtick?

About two years ago I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes. I was 300#. I got my weight down to 215# and had no signs of diabetes. Since then I’ve put some weight back on, 255# now, had to get back on metformin. I know I can lose it though.

I also quit my 24 year smoking habit several months ago.

So yeah, I’m doing the bullshit New Year’s resolution that everyone seems to give up on. It sounds shitty, but I’ve BTDT and I can do it again. I want to lose weight and overall be healthier. My goal is 165#.


PersephoneisHalfHell OP t1_j27fn9a wrote

You did it once, that's awesome. And you've recognised you still need to work on it.

Giving up smoking is also awesome!!!

It sounds like you've got healthy goals, and you've made some positive progress. I do think NY resolutions can be risky in that it's perfect or nothing, but sounds like you're well on your way to healthier habits and can move beyond set time frames or black and white thinking?+!


Inevitable-Put8665 t1_j27713h wrote

I was at a stressful job

Fearing so much I couldn’t eat Now I am litterly cripple

Can’t walk far and shake

I am under weight

2023 is my reformation year

In Jesus name I can and I will be my self agin A year of healing. :) A year of god


braveabandon t1_j2cvoet wrote

I wish you the best. I hope youre in a better situation now. And the books 'breaking the habit of being yourself' and 'becoming superhuman' both by joe dispenza might be of interest to you on your journey


Rtg327gej t1_j2871fn wrote

I want to stop using substances to mask my problems and finally address my issues like an adult and get the help I need.


Equivalent_Smell_146 t1_j26law0 wrote

Academic- to get higher than B in all my classes Personal- to drink more water and walk more Internal- to stop thinking too much about every detail


PersephoneisHalfHell OP t1_j26n5u2 wrote

What's your plan for drinking more water? I feel like I always try but never have a plan and still don't do it!


Equivalent_Smell_146 t1_j26vym6 wrote

Honestly idk


Equivalent_Smell_146 t1_j26vzdn wrote

Any tips?


PersephoneisHalfHell OP t1_j26wr3f wrote

An app that reminds you on your phone A reminder on a smart watch A water bottle with hour markings to drink down over the day

That's probably it!

Always having a water bottle on hand is good. If I don't have it, I don't drink but if it's there, I'm more likely to remember!


Sad-Valuable-3624 t1_j27nsmn wrote

There’s a cool water bottle that has times/measurements so that you can try to get it in at certain times.


EveryPaint551 t1_j2d6jxq wrote

Drink 500ml water right after waking up, it will make you drink more during the day


deepfriedidiot96 t1_j26lfju wrote

I want to eat better and learn French !


PersephoneisHalfHell OP t1_j26n1oo wrote

What are you using to learn French? Duolingo?


deepfriedidiot96 t1_j26n7k9 wrote

Duolingo, a McGraw hill textbook, French dictionaries, YouTube, hellotalk, and I’m also reading books on how to effectively learn languages !


Ittybittybritty1992 t1_j26pkst wrote

It’s kinda random but I wanted to mix it up. I usually choose lose X amount of weight or something like that.

But this year I choose to do the “52 Hike Challenge”

I love hiking, it fulfills my need for the outdoors, it fulfills my need to be more active, and I also feel a spiritual connection when I do it. But I never make time for it. I want to change that.

Also become a morning person, haha


M3NM0P t1_j29k8lg wrote

I want to let go of my ex. Think too much of her and I just want to be free. Feelings are not reciprocated and I need to love myself more. So I guess that ?


cheeseburger720 t1_j26juzb wrote

To get my instrument rating and continue with flight training towards my commercial certificate and beyond.


somethingsilly010 t1_j26o4ie wrote

I've got a few. I want to run a half marathon, I want to finish out my degree, and I want to get some major repairs done to my house. These are all goals that are doable as I have been working towards them for a while. The last goal I have is to start a passive income source that nets me at least $500 a year. I have no clue how to start that so it's the goal I plan on spending the most time on.


resustainimagine t1_j26tl07 wrote

Creating a future to look forward to.

By focussing on my physical and mental health. One goal is to start and finish a marathon in August to keep me motivated to run. I found a running schedule to stick to and hope it will help me to stay more active. Additionally, I will work two yoga sessions per week into my week.

To improve my mental health, I want to start journaling and meditating but have not developed a strategy yet.

My third goal is to turn my blog into a business. I want to be my own boss and be able to work from anywhere in the world. My next step is to get active on my social media platforms with my offer.

I think this is enough for me to begin 2023 with. My physical and mental health and my business.


PersephoneisHalfHell OP t1_j26u9e2 wrote

That all sounds awesome and very inspiring! For the journalling and meditating, maybe an app is a good start to remind and prompt you? I really loved head space for meditation, but that's just me!


Far-Painter-8093 t1_j27o4ke wrote

  1. Pass the Preliminary exam for my Ph.D.
  2. Get high scores for my graduate classes
  3. Tape out at least one design for my research

bb-riri t1_j27ze2k wrote

My goals are to explore more. Get in touch with myself more and what makes me happy and who I am free of outside influence.


nashamagirl99 t1_j29zq60 wrote

Read a book a month and make good grades


Nerobus t1_j2b3dw9 wrote

One good hike per month. Find a side gig I like (selling paintings, writing a children’s book I’ve got in mind, writing a textbook I have a publisher wanting me to write… something)


PersephoneisHalfHell OP t1_j2c4zgz wrote

That's some creative side gigs!! Maybe all three? Do you have a breakdown of how to achieve it?

As for the hikes, do you have a list you want to do?


Nerobus t1_j2c5r96 wrote

No real plan for any of it yet. I’m a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl. Even living in a big city I’ve got tons of great trails around I’ve still got to do, and if the stars align, maybe some kayak trials too! I think you’re right, it’ll help to make an outline I can work from.

As for the books, no plan yet, but I’m a professor and I’ve got a publisher trying to get me to write a textbook I keep asking for lol. They would give me deadlines and such, so the timeline would likely mean I would be done sometime a year and a half from now.

The kids book though I can write pretty easy on my spare time, but I’m going to attempt to illustrate it too, which will take longer. One page per month would be a good idea.


presleymoore101 t1_j276c8z wrote

I don’t usually set goals in a time frame of each new year. I have a goal and I stick to it year by year until I accomplish it. Most people fail at New Years resolutions is because they wait to make a change, if your serious you’d start now.

But if I had to choose I would say start meditating more.


PersephoneisHalfHell OP t1_j27qfue wrote

I agree, although I find it's a nice time to sit back and actively think about it. I've always been super goal driven, but I like new year because I kind of think about the big picture, what's changed in the last year, and what I want to change. I also can think about stuff I've wanted to change but struggle with.


Sad-Valuable-3624 t1_j27np2s wrote

Stop hating myself so much that I look for ways to nope on out of life and prevent myself from enjoying anything at all.


Rajendra2124 t1_j27x10i wrote

  1. Lose weight: I want to be down to my goal weight by December 2023.

  2. Save money: I want to have a three-month emergency fund saved up by December 2023.

  3. Learn a new skill( I just realized, haven't thought about that yet)


mantistobogganxo t1_j288g0l wrote

Stopping spending money on stuff that add little value to my life, finding a hobby that doesn’t involve drinking, and getting back into the gym/fitness. Hoping the extra money and healthier mindset should right a few mental wrongs!


whelpthissuckz t1_j29dey0 wrote

I have a unique perspective on this, I 24m is facing possible divorce with my wife 22f whom I love very much. We have a daughter as well. She said it’s because she isn’t happy with me and has never know who she really is without me. Fair enough. All this to say I am way out of shape, struggling with depression (before any mention of divorce). So I am already getting an early start. I have the intention of getting into shape. Like mad fit style. In this journey I am also making major changes that effect my mental health for the better. Not only are these changes for my daughter and I, but if my wife wants to leave I am set on one thing.

This runs through my head ever time I feel like quitting:

“Make her regret leaving, or make her happy she stayed”

Edit: spelling error.

Happy New Year’s Redditers


EveryPaint551 t1_j2d6vsy wrote

Let me tell you this

Start looking inside of you and get out of depression as soon as possible. When you got it, you can not even love yourself, then how can your wife feel it.

Negotiate, tell your wife to pause, not stop. Telling her your goal, and how you gonna make it. Then just do.

Fix yourself, then fix your relationship.


ifoundit1 t1_j2b9yb6 wrote

More validated Good Hatred than ever.


[deleted] t1_j2bccub wrote



PersephoneisHalfHell OP t1_j2c4wcr wrote

Do you have a plan for it? Do you love yourself for who you are, regardless of how you look (as a person), even if you still want to change how you look?


minnehaha123 t1_j2bxk59 wrote

Lose 10 pounds by March 1

Golf twice a week

Watch as many major sporting events as possible


minnehaha123 t1_j2clq90 wrote

Newly retired from a job that had me working weekends. Starting with the NCAAF Championship it’s on to Super Bowl, Daytona 500, The Players, March Madness, The Masters, The PGA, NBA playoffs, The US Open, Wimbledon, The Open, Talladega Race, World Series, NFL Season, CFP


alarkandalark t1_j2d7i4x wrote

i’ve got a whole bunch. posting them here to add to the manifestation.

  • run my second marathon at a faster time, no walking

  • release an album’s worth of content at least by the end of the year

  • livestream at least once a week

  • get better sleep

  • have a few more fans than i started out with this year :)

i dropped out of school to pursue music, and this year i want to bust my ass so i can finally start giving myself what i deserve


ImaniReynolds t1_j2derrm wrote

To finally get over my fear of telling people about my work (which I’m proud of) and grow my email newsletter!