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shiznatcrzy t1_j2lamtf wrote

Didn’t the tortoise cheat? Or is that different story?


blkitr01 t1_j2lbf0x wrote

“Be the rabbit. The humble bunny can outwit all of his enemies.”


godofgutless t1_j2ld6ap wrote

Slow and steady... wins nothing. The fast and strong will steal your victory.

The story is a moral about why you shouldn't be overconfident. Not about being slow.


bremidon t1_j2lzvtd wrote

The tortoise cheated. #Shellshock


Trips-Over-Tail t1_j2m7bgj wrote

In one version he cheed with the help of his friends. In another version the hare decided to take a nap during the race like some kind of hubristic smooth-brain, during which the tortoise overtook him and gained a decisive lead.


tarkinlarson t1_j2mfm5n wrote

"... very few of those that witnessed it survived the great forest-fire that happened shortly after. It came up over the weald by night with a great wind. The Hare and the Tortoise and a very few of the beasts saw it far off from a high bare hill that was at the edge of the trees, and they hurriedly called a meeting to decide what messenger they should send to warn the beasts in the forest. They sent the Tortoise. "


Delta4o t1_j2mh4nw wrote

definitely not going to speedrun anything with the girl I'm dating right now. All the other girls I chatted or dated with I speedran every important suitable and not suitable for work detail up until the first date and we both ended up saying "yeah no, I'm not interested anymore".

This time, I'm taking my time and SHE asked ME out for the second time which has literally never happened before! I'm going to enjoy every single second we have together!


roymondous t1_j2mqe44 wrote

Yeah aside from others pointing out that in this particular story (the image) the tortoise cheated, the real motto of this fable isn’t slow and steady wins the race. It’s the problem of small samples sizes. Repeat the race 100x and the bunny wins most of those. But that’s not surprising. So we focus on the surprising one off result.

The true lesson is to repeat experiments and see what the average is if you want to learn the beta strategy (or find the best players).


someimWitty t1_j2nufth wrote

Depends on what context you are applying it to...if you are in a fight yes obviously you have to be fast and strong but habits are made slow and steady ( fast/strong i.e high intensity out of the door is not sustainable) , you gradually build up. And as the post mentions goals, a big part of achieving that is habit building.


Alexsalonika t1_j2oda2a wrote

You know there are two times you come in touch with stories and proverbs: the one you hear it as a child and the one you actually get it.

In Greek we have the proverb: cook before you get hungry. I just understood the wisdom of it in my 30’s. I used to think “well u know it’s something that old people say, who gives a shit”. But it is really wise. You need to act and solve problems before they appear. You think “hey what is going to be a problem in the future” and u need to solve it before it is a problem!!

That story with the turtle is the same. It is really wise!! 🐢🐢🐇🐇


santichrist t1_j2olq9y wrote

This story is always misinterpreted, the tortoise only wins because the rabbit keeps fucking around, if the rabbit cared even a little he wins by a mile

The moral of the story is supposed to be taking nothing for granted not that being slow is a good thing


criscris7 t1_j2orlt6 wrote

if ur a religious person, you will get lift behind and stepped on, so be the rabbit run cheat get as far away as you can . People ur suppose love ones or the cruelest 😰exspecially the husband.


ArenSteele t1_j2patg7 wrote

Yes, I use this when coaching. I ask what the moral of the story is, and when someone parrots “slow and steady wins the race” I say “no, the moral is hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard”.

If you have talent + work ethic you’re unbeatable.


Free_Teror t1_j2poapk wrote

Take things as sore pace and let everyone else overpower you? Hoping to expect them to make a mistake so you can win? The tortoise isn't the good guy in the story and neither is the hair. You shouldn't be either the hair is cocky and the tortoise hopes others fail.