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The_AmyrlinSeat t1_j3ev2mj wrote

This really resonated. I'm at a really bad place in my life and am exploring different things that I've subscribed to that are part of the problem.

I'm scared of damn near everything. I don't want to learn to ride a bike because what if I fall off and hurt myself? I don't dance because I have two left feet and what if people laugh at me?

I never learned to cope with stress or pressure and became an alcoholic instead. My addiction has cost me everything and now, I'm just trying to find my way a day at a time. I drowned my fear and trauma in wine.

I think I'm ready to try this now. Thanks.


TreatThompson OP t1_j3evx8i wrote

Wow this is very heavy but I’m so happy that you shared this

I hope even one person sees this and gets lifted by knowing at any given second we can change our trajectory

I’m happy this resonated with you. Embracing fears has been so impactful for me

Thank you 🙌