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Worth-Revenue-1 t1_j3fblzz wrote

You are still young and can accomplish anything you set your mind to. I went back to school at 30 and had 3 fails on my transcript from my first attempt at college. I took those classes over at a community college and received As in all. The Fs were no longer counted towards my gpa. I’m not sure what state you’re in, but in CA community colleges offer transfer degrees that guarantee admission into Cal States as long as you meet certain requirements. I would imagine other states would have similar agreements. I completed all lower division courses and was accepted to multiple schools and attended a private university and was offered a merit scholarship that covered more than half the tuition. I did have to explain the reason for the Fs on my applications. I believe the review committees understand humans make mistakes or experience certain circumstances, and won’t hold the Fs against you. While, I am not a doctor, I am successful and glad I didn’t let the Fs hold me back. I would suggest taking it step by step, so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Try to focus on creating an educational plan for your bachelors that includes repeats of the Fs and transfer requirements. Once you’re working on upper division courses, plan your masters program, and so on. Talk to a counselor, they’ll be able to help put a plan to get you back on track. You can do it, good luck!