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8ubble_W4ter t1_j3fiyt4 wrote

I had a 1.7 GPA at the end of my freshman year of college (2007). Long story short, I graduated from nursing school with a 3.96 GPA in 2013. I completed my BSN in 2018 with a 3.97 GPA. Then I got into a super competitive graduate school program (DNAP/doctor of nurse anesthesia practice) later year. I’m getting ready to start my 2nd year of the 3 year program and so far I have straight A’s. I know it’s not med school, but programs are competitive and I’ve worked my ass off to get where I am. It’s possible but it takes time, hard work, and determination.

What helped me a lot was getting diagnosed with ADHD in my late 20s and getting put on meds to treat it.

Best of luck!