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Turbulent_Cow_5652 t1_j3frlsj wrote

I dropped out of class in my senior year of high school. My mother kicked me out of the home the same year, because I was not getting along with certain family members. Without a high school diploma or any money, I was told to find a job and a place to live on my own. By luck, I was able to find a full time job through a friend, and my manager allowed me to take classes at a community college while I was working. It took me 7 years to graduate from the community college when it should have been 2 years, because I was constantly dropping out of classes in order to avoid getting Fs on my transcript. When I was left with only two classes on my schedule, I planned to quite college altogether. I changed my mind when my English professor shocked me by reading one of my essays aloud in class. I never had that feeling of accomplishment and pride before. She read another one of my essays in front of the class in another occasion. It was a turning point. I decided to rededicate my effort, and I quit my job so that I could fully immerse myself in my studies. My professor gave me the confidence that I could succeed. Over time, I raised my grade point average from F to A. As a result, I transferred to a U.C. university in California. I went on to earn a Masters degree in education and became an elementary and middle school teacher. I hope that my story gives you some hope. Realize that what is happening to you right now is just a snapshot of your life or a short chapter of your book. You are only 23, so there are still many chapters to be written by you. I wish you nothing but the best. I and I'm sure many other people out there are rooting for you.


richTING13 OP t1_j3fwpy4 wrote

I fucking love you. I’m happy you made it through the hell early on to be able to leave your comment on my post


Turbulent_Cow_5652 t1_j3g6rwn wrote

When you become a doctor and I am old and frail, you can return a favor by not making me sit in the waiting room for 30 minutes to see you. At least play some happy music or send a pretty nurse to check up on me while I wait. Just kidding.