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GetWaved t1_j3h8l8x wrote

So what? What people think of you is none of your business. BE FRIENDLY BE BETTER


Anachron101 t1_j3hav82 wrote

How is that motivating?

This just created more insecurity on people, because how friendly is too friendly and how unfriendly is too much?

Maybe just be yourself and find people that accept you for who you are.


PrivateIsotope t1_j3hb92s wrote

This is dumb advice.

Be friendly, and don't care about what other people think of you.


Jim501_622 t1_j3i1z2m wrote

Be true to yourself. Allow for self improvement if you are criticized accurately. But, you are not required to make changes that are not genuine to you. Most people are friendly. Some have developed defense mechanisms to protect themselves. We can’t instantly know what they have been through that has led them to this point. Erica Jong once wrote that you have to take a lot of s**t off of people before you get to that real person underneath. Care what others think of you—up to a point. After that don’t cater to others, or else the essential you will suffer injury. Be true to yourself, and cultivate the good in you.


Ohigetjokes t1_j3hedrx wrote

I'm so motivated! Gonna be a big asshole to everyone!!!


infiniteliam t1_j3hbo9q wrote

Avoid people who confuse your kindness/ good nature as a weakness. It isn't :))


sonofhappyfunball t1_j3h8rgz wrote

True. Punishing friendliness is one of the many ways we know this is a Hellworld.


redditknees t1_j3hau9w wrote

Friendliness is superficial. Kindness is genuine. Be kind. Kindness always wins.


venuswasaflytrap t1_j3hm0xt wrote

I can’t say I’ve ever seen someone who was very friendly generally be disrespected for it.

Friendliness oozes confidence. Reaching out to someone else socially is a strong signal (even if faked), that you’re confident in your own state.

There’s a difference between being friendly and being a pushover though.


AmadSeason t1_j3h8yl0 wrote

Too much of anything can be a bad thing.


zebrahdh t1_j3hpcby wrote

Wow. Truer word have might not have ever been sometimes spoken sort of.


CoachNatalie t1_j3hro1z wrote

Some people have mistaken my friendliness for being a pushover or a doormat. But I have another side to me that I don't show people until they cross that line. And most of the time, it only needs to happen once. Boundaries are the key


sp0ttedsha4rk t1_j3hrwyu wrote

Thats the type of things toxic people say after they treated you like a human for 5 minutes, real friendly people don't penalise others over every whim.


Xillioneur t1_j3hsqh2 wrote

Don’t adopt this mentality. It’s too vague and has no point.

I think what they are trying to say is this:

“Guard your friendless, for many take advantage; Set boundaries and remain true to who you are.”

If being friendly is who you are, then it means absolute dog 💩what I or anyone think of it. All that matters is how quickly you leave the presence of those who disrespect your kindness. Stay Friendly


emmahudd- t1_j3htb7r wrote

i’m bad at this, tho. i’m an incredibly kind and outgoing person.


Ko_ogs t1_j3hulx1 wrote

This is absolutely spot on.

Being to friendly and too familiar with people DOES breed disrespect.

As does oversharing.


BrilliantNo9753 t1_j3i8ksk wrote

This was a reminder that I didn't know I needed 🙃


Tiny-Professor-4543 t1_j3ihjkg wrote

Being friendly invites disrespect from people who’s opinions aren’t worth much.


[deleted] t1_j3ikxj9 wrote

Unless you are in a ghetto area, I think being friendly makes your day the most positive.

If you are in the ghetto then maybe being friendly would get you mugged.

Guess depends where you are.


Skatesoff t1_j3ikin8 wrote

The image posted is a fact, but all that does is show you the character of the people who would treat kindness with disrespect.


[deleted] t1_j3hd7fz wrote



venuswasaflytrap t1_j3hm7ld wrote

People walk over those who are pushovers. Being nice and being a pushover is not the same. Hell, very often being a pushover is being the opposite of nice, and pushing back is the kindest thing you can do.


Adventurous_Ad3643 t1_j3hglov wrote

This image is pretty true. it's my first offline class in my school. I tried to be friendly helping everyone by helping them at work, but all I got was bullying for being different as compared to them.
