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Papah_Bear420 t1_j6gnn3a wrote

I used to always come home to a nice blue collar beer. Replacing it with a PBR, (placebo beer replacement) helps. I get those flavored zero cal/zero sugar seltzers and its a refreshing little burn in your throat and it just hits the spot after a long day. That or you can throw some lime and mint in there for a refreshing virgin mojito. Drinking usually is just an activity you’re accustomed to and associate with relaxing. You gotta change your relationship with the vice and create your own boundaries. Stick to them!! Thats the discipline part no one else can control except you. Create your own parameters that are maintainable and stick to them indefinitely. Its very difficult to live surrounded by alcohol and not stand out in a crowd for being entirely sober. This is what often pressures people back into binging behaviors. Its okay to have a drink sometimes, you just need to consciously control when.